Floor Time In The Garage?

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Ruby Inferno

Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 18, 2014
Reaction score
England, UK
My poor piggies haven't had any exercise time since October because of lack of space in the house (and my mum being a little bit stubborn...), I live in a warmer part of England so it was a decent temperature for grass time even in October. I feel so bad for my piggies, my mum thinks it's okay for them not to have exercise during the winter no matter how many times I tell her they really need it! :doh: I can't tell you how terrible I feel. :(

I do have a bit of space in my garage to set up their run and line the floor very thickly with newspaper and put some toys down (that is, if I can convince my mum to let me), but the only problem is my garage has no heating. It's warmer than outside of course, but still not that warm. A couple of my piggies have lived outdoors since May, so they are used to the outside (they are in a warm hutch), but the others live indoors so I'm a bit concerned it's too cold for them. :hmm:

Please help me, I feel like an awful person... I look at peoples' floortime setups and feel really guilty.
My poor piggies haven't had any exercise time since October because of lack of space in the house (and my mum being a little bit stubborn...), I live in a warmer part of England so it was a decent temperature for grass time even in October. I feel so bad for my piggies, my mum thinks it's okay for them not to have exercise during the winter no matter how many times I tell her they really need it! :doh: I can't tell you how terrible I feel. :(

I do have a bit of space in my garage to set up their run and line the floor very thickly with newspaper and put some toys down (that is, if I can convince my mum to let me), but the only problem is my garage has no heating. It's warmer than outside of course, but still not that warm. A couple of my piggies have lived outdoors since May, so they are used to the outside (they are in a warm hutch), but the others live indoors so I'm a bit concerned it's too cold for them. :hmm:

Please help me, I feel like an awful person... I look at peoples' floortime setups and feel really guilty.
You have the same problem as me! Maybe you could persuade your parents to buy an indoor pen and put it inside?
I feel really guilty! :( I bought a wooden run but my parents refuse to buy a metal one for inside:(
Your piggies really do need to come out of their hutch for floor time.

I have one of those fabric pop up runs that @gingy pig has mentioned. I brought an XL one and the one I have, the bottom unzips so it can be used outdoors on grass and the bottom is also waterproof. Mine also has a holder for a water bottle. I do use a fleece on top though as my pigs are chewers.

If not, would your mum allow them floor time in your bathroom or somewhere? I have a downstairs loo that has lynx on the floor. I sometimes use that space to allow my pigs free roam.

Please do not feel awful as it isn't your fault. It is obvious you love your piggies and are trying your best for them.
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Their run is metal and can definitely be used for indoors, the problem is lack of space. I did suggest buying a fabric run (I found a really nice one on zooplus), but the answer was no because she said it would get dirty and have to be washed. How do fabric runs get cleaned exactly so I can explain this to her?

I will suggest the bathroom, but she'll probably say no. Originally the piggies' run was a wooden apex run that we used outside, but the quality was awful as it was from a pet shop and it fell to bits so we bought an octagonal run with a sun protection cover. I used it outside a lot, but kept a very close eye on the run because it wasn't as secure-looking as the apex one.

My only concern for the bathroom is the floor probably isn't the cleanest, and a bit cold. :hmm:

You have the same problem as me! Maybe you could persuade your parents to buy an indoor pen and put it inside?
I feel really guilty! :( I bought a wooden run but my parents refuse to buy a metal one for inside:(
Hmm if you have space (unlike me) you could use cardboard, grids, etc., to make your own run?
The nylon run you saw on zoo plus is the same one I have but mine is XL as I brought mine from ebay and it was cheaper.

To be honest, I don't think it would get too dirty as guines pigs would only use the bottom of it. However, it says on zoo plus that it can be washed up to 30 degrees although I'm not sure how you would fit the larger ones in a washing machine. It means they are safe to get wet though.

They are wipe able and the bottom is waterproof so can be easily wiped.

As for the bathroom idea, how about putting fleeces down on the floor to keep their feet warm?
Their run is metal and can definitely be used for indoors, the problem is lack of space. I did suggest buying a fabric run (I found a really nice one on zooplus), but the answer was no because she said it would get dirty and have to be washed. How do fabric runs get cleaned exactly so I can explain this to her?

I will suggest the bathroom, but she'll probably say no. Originally the piggies' run was a wooden apex run that we used outside, but the quality was awful as it was from a pet shop and it fell to bits so we bought an octagonal run with a sun protection cover. I used it outside a lot, but kept a very close eye on the run because it wasn't as secure-looking as the apex one.

My only concern for the bathroom is the floor probably isn't the cleanest, and a bit cold. :hmm:

Hmm if you have space (unlike me) you could use cardboard, grids, etc., to make your own run?
Good idea! Thanks!
The nylon run you saw on zoo plus is the same one I have but mine is XL as I brought mine from ebay and it was cheaper.

To be honest, I don't think it would get too dirty as guines pigs would only use the bottom of it. However, it says on zoo plus that it can be washed up to 30 degrees although I'm not sure how you would fit the larger ones in a washing machine. It means they are safe to get wet though.

They are wipe able and the bottom is waterproof so can be easily wiped.

As for the bathroom idea, how about putting fleeces down on the floor to keep their feet warm?
The bathroom idea is a no from my mum... I will suggest the kitchen, there's some floor space there.

Do you think my un-heated garage would be too cold for floor time?
Are your guinea pigs living outdoors? If so, the garage may be ok so long as there isn't used for a car as exhaust fumes can kill. If the garage isn't used to store a car, it should be fine
The bathroom idea is a no from my mum... I will suggest the kitchen, there's some floor space there.

Do you think my un-heated garage would be too cold for floor time?
but you would need to put fleeces / towels down to keep their feet warm and provide them with houses / cosies in case they feel chilly after roaming round. A cardboard box will do.

When you say the garage floor, are you meaning to set their metal run up in there or for them to free roam?
Two of my piggies live outdoors, but the other two are indoors.

My garage is not used for cars. I would set up their metal run in there, freeroam probably wouldn't be the best idea considering the amount of stuff I have stored in my garage! :))
Considering you have looked in to other options too, I think your piggies will be fine to have run time in their pen in the garage :)

Just make sure it is warm in there before you put your indoors piggies especially out to play :)

I know that I said you should put fleeces down but if you didn't want to use fleeces, puppy pads are also a good idea as they are warm and soak up any urine. Just make sure you don't allow them to run on the cold concrete.
Considering you ha e tried everything else, I think your piggies will be fine to have run time in their pen in the garage :)

Just make sure it is warm in there before you put your indoors piggies especially out to play :)

I know that I said you should put fleeces down but if you didn't want to use fleeces, puppy pads are also a good idea as they are warm and soak up any urine. Just make sure you don't allow them to run on the cold concrete.
Asked my mum if I can use the garage, she says she will have to clean it out first because of all the stuff in there, though there is some space for the run in the garage anyway, I will try to show her how I can make it fit (I already tried setting up the run, it just about fits).

Would very thick layers of newspaper suffice, in addition to some hideys filled with hay and maybe some of their Fitch bedding? I have lots of newspaper at my disposal so that would be more convenient than puppy pads/fleece. I could also drape some towels across part of the top of the run, maybe even on their hideys, as I use towels for cuddle/lap time.

Hopefully I can let them on the lawn fairly soon. Will gradually start hand picking grass to get them used to eating it. :)
oh I feel really sorry for you. I hope that you can come to a compromise with your parents. Another idea, could you let them free-range in your bedroom, as long as you promised your mum to clean up after them? You could put newspapers or puppy pads down?
I should imagine very thick layers of newspaper would be ok. What you are aiming to do is just to keep your piggies from walking on the cold concrete and preventing them from walking / sitting in their urine.

I am glad that your mum has agreed to the garage despite the clean up and your idea sounds good to me.

It is obvious you are trying your best for your guunea pigs

Asked my mum if I can use the garage, she says she will have to clean it out first because of all the stuff in there, though there is some space for the run in the garage anyway, I will try to show her how I can make it fit (I already tried setting up the run, it just about fits).

Would very thick layers of newspaper suffice, in addition to some hideys filled with hay and maybe some of their Fitch bedding? I have lots of newspaper at my disposal so that would be more convenient than puppy pads/fleece. I could also drape some towels across part of the top of the run, maybe even on their hideys, as I use towels for cuddle/lap time.

Hopefully I can let them on the lawn fairly soon. Will gradually start hand picking grass to get them used to eating it. :)
Oh thats a shame. Well, firstly well done for being a good piggy slave and for thinking so much about their welfare. I am sure that if you pitch in and help with the garage clear out then she will alllow it. I wonder if you could also "sweeten the pill" by offering to help sell some of the clutter from the garage- perhaps if she wants to clear it out but has not got the time you could help her to photograph and list stuff on ebay etc. I'm just trying to think from a "mum" perspective here :)
I definitely would not let them walk directly on the concrete.

I don't think she wants to throw anything away, just rearrange things so there's more space, but I could easily move a few things over and there would be plenty of space for the piggies' run!

Edit: Also, thank you for being so supportive and helpful, I really appreciate it. :D
I would put newspaper then fleece down so wee Wicks through to newspaper to keep their feet dry.Maybe a covered area with a litter tray in holding bedding and hay.They may use this to poop in.Maybe put some of their dirty bedding in it to encourage them.
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