Floor time, help!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the US
I got a buddy piggie for my boar. Latte is litter trained but the new piggie is not. I used to put Latte in my room with litter trays, but that wont work anymore. The new piggie also wants to go under my bed. They need floor time l, but I cant give it to them unless I get some HELP! What do I do to make a nice floor time space that is escape proof?
How big should it be? I have time to get the things for floor time because Peanut is sick. Latte has a giant 3x4 to himself now!
As big as you can fit in! Good thing about grids is you can make them into any shape to move around the furniture :))
As suggested, towels and fleece will do just aswell! x Piccies when its ready please :))
I might buy a giant plastic child's pool from walmart and make cozy for the piggies. Maybe cut it in half and put coroplast inbetween the two halves and make it larger.
I just supervise mine whilst they run around my bedroom floor. I clock my TV off though as I don't want any mishaps with cables. It means I'm constantly hoovering poops but Clive loves it, I guess the boss has me right in my place! rolleyes
I bought my piggies a kiddie pool from walmart. I put some towels in it. I put a tunnel, a pile of hay, a water bottle, a brick, Latte's favorite stick, and a ball in it too. I can't put both my piggies in it yet because I don't want Latte to catch Peanut's URI.
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