Fleur and Flora aka Milly and Molly

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Just a note to share my new girls with you all. I adopted them from Graham at Chinchillas4Life they are three months and two weeks old and are so adorable! They are so tame and calm, my boys are quite the opposite, they are lively popcorners! :-)

This pic was taken by Graham but I will take some more when they girls have settled in further, they are hiding up right now but seemed to enjoy the little cuddle I gave them earlier.

I have changed their names to Fleur and Flora as Milly is too my daughters name Emily and Emily's friend is called Molly! Fleur is the orange and black and Flora is the black with orange whisps. Emily said they remind her of Crunchie bars!...lol

Anyway just thought I'd share!

Hi Katie,

They are really striking, I'm so thrilled with them. Up to now they haven't eaten but I think they are just settling and will eat once everyone is quiet in the house. I meant to say we travelled up to Penrith for them which was great fun, I've never been that far north! I usually go South! So once we picked them up from Graham we decided to take the scenic route through Windermere which was lovely but I did not like going up the hills!

It's bad enough in Wales but these hills where something else! The girls where very calm though and had a sleep. Already they seem very proud and lady like whereas the boys are typical of men and will mess about all the time.

Ah sorry to go on, I could waffle all night about them!

heh heh! I know what you mean about those hills!
Hope the ladies settle in soon, they are gorgeous, I'm not surprised you like to talk about them, I could burble on abou tmine all night!
awww gorgeous piggies :0
I can see what your daughter says about Flora looking like a crunchie :) too cute :)
Aw I'm glad you gave these girlies a home! I've been following the other thread about them :) i meant to ask you louise, i noticed you're from liverpool, which vets do you use and would you recommend them for pigs? mines good for my cat but not too sure how much experience they've had with guineas, if you could point me in the right direction i'd be very greatful :) thanks!
Emma x
:o You met sokel? Soooo lucky! Whats he like? Dish the dirt! ;D ;D

You are soooo lucky, I really wanted them, but couldnt take them both and he didnt want to split them :(

I need lots and lots of pics to make up for it! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: ;D ;D

Emma I use Windsor's vet on Halewood Road in Gateacre they are really good, don't seem to over charge £24.00 for a mite clear up and give lots of good advice, really friendly, I've used them before for my dog Monty (now over the rainbow bridge) and they were excellent. So I would reccommend for pigs and dogs in my experience. :)

PerfectPiggies yep I ment Graham, almost didn't though as I was parked at the back of the cafe and he was parked at the front and I wrote his telephone number down wrong so couldn't contact him! I'm so dizzy at times! Graham is great, he has really looked after the girls, I can see they have been well cared for. The girls are really cuddly with one another so I don't think they could be split.

I checked on them this morning and they have eaten some cucumber and the dried mix but left the celery I gave them last night but at least they have ate something.

Will take some pics tomorrow or later if they are ok with us, I'll see how they go!

Take care,

Juat an update, girls have spent all day in their igloo, they were not really eating their veggies to I put them in the igloo and I looked an hour later and they had tipped up the bowl and were munching away. The do let me stroke them in the hutch although Fleur did run off a little but they seem fine and just getting used to everything and everyone! :)

Aw, they are lovely little ladies, and they have a lovely new life with you to look forward to! O0
Congratulations Louise O0

It's lovely these 2 beautiful girls have a great new home with you - i'm looking forward to the up-dates :smitten: :smitten:
Aw glad they're settling in! Thanks for the info on the vets :) feel better about taking them if you know the vet knows what they're talking about and not just trying to get your money! Do you have to make an appointment with them or is there open surgery times? sorry for all the questions! x
Pleased you got them and you back safe and sound. All grahams pigs and other animals are well cared for. Anyone going on holiday that lives near or can get to him I would recommend leaving your piggies there.

Will be in touch soon Louise we decided to go away for the weekend without my daughter will PM you tomorrow to catch up
Hi All thanks for your nice comments! :)

Little Misses have been out of the sleeping area and I missed it! They are still pretty quiet but seem ok.

Emma - you do have to make an appointment and register the pigs, the receptionist is lovely as well. They are all great at the practise they seem to take an interest in all animals no matter how small the animal is.

Goldilocks - hope you had a great weekend! If I lived closer to Graham I would certainly leave my 5 with him. Not sure what I'll do when I go away in October to Norfolk, I probably take Fleur and Flora with me as Peter's mum has a hutch and run and I'll leave the boys with my Dad, he works and isn't animal friendly really but I could leave things with labels on and he would care for them. He doesn't believe in picking animals up but I said Dad you have to with Guineas as they just love being stroked! :)

Let me know if I can help when you on holiday have got a spare cage big enough for 2 guinea's or could put your cage in my living room

Ah thanks, where about are you located? To be honest I would rather someone took them for me while I was away then my folks having them as it will just be a matter of feeding them and not getting them out of the hutch. I had a budgie when I was little and they never got him out of the cage, so cruel! It's funny how I am an animal lover and they aren't! :)

Have a good day!

Not sure how i missed this topic ::)
Glad your happy with Fleur and Flora and love the name change.
At least you did take a number even if it was the wrong one ;D I forgot to pick yours up 98) but you did find me in the end

I think i am going to have a big head with all this interest in meeting me and how well my animals are :D.Anyone coming here has to like goats as they are totaly in your face all the time.It was a bit hectic yesterday when Sally the kid ended up in the House :o

Perfectpiggies you can get to meet me,Just tell that mad nutter from Scotland that she cant have the LH sow unless she lets me have her violet kits
Hi Graham,

Glad you like the name change. Goats are great, not sure they are for a city chick like me though. My friend has ducks!..lol

Take care,

Hi Karen,

Just got it will reply ASAP. I'm on the puter upstairs as Peter is reinstalling the one downstairs, I can't sell on Ebay as we had a virus and it just won't let me for some reason...I need to fund my hutches! ;-D

Take care,

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