Fleeces and bedding Help!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 16, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys!
We are building a new outdoor hutch for our piggies [5ftx2ft two storeys] and are thinking of using fleeces instead of woodshavings bedding. We are thinking about it because we think it will be cheaper in the long run and I bought a cosy cup for them and all the bedding is getting stuck to the material.:(
I've just got a few questions though:

1. How big does the fleece need to be?
Like does it need to be bigger than the hutch or do you stick the fleece to the floor with tape or something?

2. How many layers?Would I need a couple of fleeces piled up/folded?
Or would I need newspaper or something underneath?

3. How would I clean it out/wash it?[depends on the question above]
I read somewhere to put the fleeces in a pillowcase and put it in th washing machine? Also would I need to lots of fleece in the winter so I can swap them around while washing one lot?

4. Is it true I need 100% polyester?

Thanks any answers will be appreciated. :)
Hi. I've just started using fleece. It needs to be washed before use with non bio so it wicks the wee through. I use layer of newspaper and then layer of towels then the fleece on top.

Yes, 100% polyester. Polar fleece is best.

You can pick bits off and then wash in duvet to stop clogging machine. I take all my bits to the launderette as OH would not be happy if machine clogged with hay!

I use fleece my piggies are outside atm, I use one layer of 100% polyester fleece (washed three times before 1st use) and then two layers of towels:))

I use a single duvet cover as a wash bag and this works well:))
1. Just cut it to the size of your cage. My girls are in a C&C cage, so I don't really know how you would secure the fleece in a hutch. I just tuck the edges of mine under the layers of towels and newspaper and that works well for me.

2. One or two layers of newspaper, two layers of towels, one layer of polar fleece. You may find that you need to adjust how many layers of towels you use, but generally two is enough for me. It depends on how many pigs you have in the space. Don't use more than one layer of fleece.

3. Yes, you can wash it in a pillowcase or some type of bag to prevent the hay getting into the washing machine. You won't need any more fleece in winter than any other season, usually only one layer is needed. I would recommended having two so you can use one whilst the other is getting washed. I have about 4 fleeces. Two for the cage and two for the floortime area.

4. Yes, 100% polyester. Look for polar or anti-pill fleece.
Thankz everyone:)
I didnt think about using towels
Though I suppose once I have the towels and fleeces I wont need any more?!
Or will the fleece get worn?:{
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