Fleece Care

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 4, 2016
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I have ordered some fleece which should be coming this week. It is for an outdoor hutch.

I was just wondering if anyone had any helpful tips about looking after fleece.. Best temperature to wash it at, what to wash it in, how often etc. Will i have to look after it differently as it is going to be outdoors?

I wash mine at 60 degrees inside a horse wash bag. I use non bio wash powder and a cupful of white vinegar in each wash - always comes out clean.
I imagine you would treat fleece the same where ever you use it. I don't get much hay on mine as the guineas have a hay tray, invest in a good brush and be prepared for lots of shaking outside ! Good luck - i love fleece!
I wash mine in a pillow case :) I have 2 sets per cage so when I'm washing one set I have another that can be used! x
I wash mine in a pillow case :) I have 2 sets per cage so when I'm washing one set I have another that can be used! x

I've only had my piggies a week but I'm the same have 2 fleeces. Wash in powder only , no fabric conditioner as that stops it wicking. I swept mine and gave it a good shake outside, also used a pillow case
I've only had my piggies a week but I'm the same have 2 fleeces. Wash in powder only , no fabric conditioner as that stops it wicking. I swept mine and gave it a good shake outside, also used a pillow case
powder? I never new that about fabric conditioner! will have to stop using it asap! do you know if tablets you put in are okay?x
I meant detergent, powder, liquid, gel but not a 2in 1.

You shouldn't use conditioner on towels either, for the same reason
Is any powder ok to use? Also how often do you wash the items ?
I do mine on a 60 degree quick wash setting no conditioner. No bag either - i tend to put all the guinea pig stuff (fleece, beds and cosies in the same wash)
A bag is a good and very sensible idea though. My machine tends to sift all the hay out and it just ends up in the rubber seal at the door ready to scoop out.
the poor machine thrives on neglect and one of these days it's going to give up but still going strong after almost TWENTY years! with 7 in our family plus the pigs and a dog it's something of a miracle and a great endorsement for bosch!
Once a week washing. I have a few fleeces so there's always a spare when the 'quick' wash is on.
Is that with fleece tunnels etc too or do you wash them more frequently?
I usually wash them less frequently. I just give them a dusting down and chuck them in the machine when they look like they need it . . . .i don't think I'm maybe a good example to follow!
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