Fleece As Bedding

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
USA Illinois
Hello everyone!
I have been using fleece as the bedding in my piggies' cages for about 6 months now, and I have to say that the fleece does work remarkably well. However, after more than six/seven washes, the fleece starts to feel a bit strange, kind of oily. So I was thinking maybe it was the detergent I was using. I usually just wash the fleece and the towel that I layer underneath the fleece in a load by themselves with our regular Tide detergent. It could also be that the fleece is just getting too old and has been wee-ed on too many times! rolleyes Anyway, does anyone have any input on my whole fleece situation? Stay with the fleece? Ditch the fleece? Change detergents? Get new fleece more often?
As long as you are using no fabric conditioner it should be fine and the fleece should last you years. Maybe Tide has added fabric conditioner? I have not used it myself.
Mine did this too.... if you like fleece i think its time to change the fleece. :P

I however decided it was too much effort and money to keep replacing it, and have changed to a kind of spongey plastic stuff, which i have found is alot more hard wearing.
I've washed my fleece multiple times probably over 100 without any problems so its most probably the washing detergent you are using :)
Maybe I will switch detergents. Does anyone know of a detergent that would be piggy safe? I'm using Tide and I don't think that's suitable anymore.
I always use white vinegar and add a cupful to the wash - it works very well as a deodouriser.
Hanlou: Do you just use white vinegar or do you also use detergent? I was my fleece separately from all my other clothes.
I'm having a similar problem at the moment. After about a year's worth of washing, my fleece seems to no longer wick the same. I already add a bit of white vinegar to the rinse. It's very odd... Since I have no solution to it, I'm getting some more fleece to start again with.
What amount of detergent do you use ? I know when I used washable nappies, the advice was always to use half the amount specified otherwise you can get a build-up on the fabric
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