

Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
West Virginia, United States
So everytime I take my youngest out for lap time I'll pet her for a bit and after a minute or two she plops her butt down and flattens out too half her height. I was just wondering if this is common and if it is a "I love you! Keep the massages coming" or "STOP! Let me go! I hate you" behavior.
I think it can be one of two things - a fear response and an 'omg I'm so relaxed' response :'D
Seeing as it takes her a while and she doesn't immediately 'pancake', it sounds like she's just chillin'!
Be careful though - pee may follow :lol!:
Already happened today... Also she is a smart pig about her pee and poo. When in her cage she either uses the litter box or climbs on top of a hide and positions her butt so she can poo out side of the cage. When with me during lap time she run off my lap and pees and poos on my couch then comes back with a face that says "At least it wasn't on you"
Sounds like a very contented and chilled out piggy to me, photos? :drool:
I wish my piggies would do this! Ive had them almost 3 months now. Just upgraded to a larger area. Rosey 6 months Mona 5 months. They are still very very skittish. Just not when it comes to food haha. They wont sit in my lap. They try to stay on my chest under neath my chin. I spend time with them daily start veggies off by hand feeding anything else I can do to speed up the process?
Aw it has taken just over 7 months for my two sows to tolerate lap time. Ji gle will now pancake but Mistletoe just huddles close to J and eats!
We have a couple that pancake, and it is a wonderful thing indeed.
You obviously have a very content piggy.
I wish my piggies would do this! Ive had them almost 3 months now. Just upgraded to a larger area. Rosey 6 months Mona 5 months. They are still very very skittish. Just not when it comes to food haha. They wont sit in my lap. They try to stay on my chest under neath my chin. I spend time with them daily start veggies off by hand feeding anything else I can do to speed up the process?
Lol, one of mine does that too! Or he tries to get his head under my hair.