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Flaking skin


New Born Pup
May 21, 2022
Reaction score
My long haired guinea pig Rick has a lot of dry flaking skin all over the back half of his body and it seems to hurt him when I bend the hair back to look at his skin, ahead of taking him to the vet I wanted to check if this looks more like a fungal skin infection or mites?

One of my other guinea pigs had a bad fungal infection 6 months ago so I’m wondering if it could have come back and spread to him?


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If there’s no hair loss I’d be less concerned about fungal but the vet is the best person to check and term you if it’s mites or something else. Please don’t be tempted to treat on spec while waiting for the vets.

It could just be dead skin flakes caught in long hairs growing out. At this stage without any hair loss or fungal skin crusts it is impossible to tell.

Please do not treat on spec because as far as any vet is concerned you are wiping the crime scene and are going to delay any appropriate treatment, which differs between fungal and skin parasites. See a vet as soon as a pattern is emerging. Hopefully it is just one of 'these' things that won't amount to anything. Right now all you can do is wait and see.