FIVE Weddings, Three Divorces and Still No Funeral


Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
After months of waiting for my two home-born Cornish baby boys to grow up enough for the snip and then the necessary 6 weeks' post op wait, the time has finally come for the boys to find their own piggy family so it's been a busy few days for me!

They have spent the last 5 months living alongside sow groups, and this has made a huge difference. Both boys have been easily accepted and any mounting/rumble-strutting has been minimal even though both boys are just short of their life time testosterone high phase.

Brangwyn 'White Raven' has given his paw in marriage to Dylan's widows Beti (black and tan previous Betty) and Begw (black and white Peggy/'Little Pearl') who have made it clear that they both like him and wanted him to be their friend weeks ago. Bran was very happy to oblige and was extremely well behaved, considering how feisty he can be!
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Bron: Sadly failed several hours in
Bronrhyddyn 'Robin' has been dating Edward's three widows for the last couple of weeks through the bars and has very much found favour with them. It was another smooth and uneventful bonding.
@Claire W has chosen Emlyn as his future name. Like with Merlin, there will be an adoption donation for Maria's Animal Shelter in Cornwall. I am looking forward to seeing Emlyn and his new ladies again for their usual summer holidays.
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I must admit that it is a big relief to finally seeing my babies happily settled with their own wives.
Having the two boys growing up next to a couple of sows only groups and prioritising their socialisation with sows through the bars over their bond with their dad (Bran never really got on with his dad or his brother, to be honest) has paid off handsomely in that neither boy has overreacted during the bonding and that they have both just slotted in with their new ladies in comparison to my many bondings with adopted newly neutered teenage boars.

The calming chemical compound that boars living in a room with sows produce is really effective if the boys are exposed to sow pheromones in the room right from the start before they reach teenage. What is problematic is introducing sows into a boars-only environment, bonding boars that have never been in contact with sows (especially teenagers and young adults where you can get the classic humping overreaction) or keeping bonded boars in direct line of sight with sows.
Unfortunately, once you start out with boys, then introducing sows into a bonded boars environment is always going to be problematic and can lead to fall-outs.

PS: Dad Barcud has already joined his Cornish family on the day of the boys' neutering operation back in March.
I am chuffed to bits that both your baby boys have found love and been accepted by their new wives. I can’t thank you enough for entrusting Emlyn in to my care and carrying out the bonding. They make a lovely herd and I’m sure Edward would approve. I am looking forward to bringing them home and watching Emlyn grow ❤️
Aw the is fabulous news! I’ve had my fingers crossed for these boys that they would bond with some ladies at some point. Well done Wiebke and happy days Claire, glad Emlyn has gone to a lovely new home x
How lovely for these boys to find some wives. I'm so pleased they are staying on the forum. Looking forward to lots of updates on their progress.
Sadly, as soon as I left the room after several hours to take care of my own needs, all hell broke loose.
Emlyn is back to being Bron after the W ladies have decided that they do not like him in their space. He must have tried on his boar moves a bit too insistently is my guess. No violence but plenty of strong teeth chattering. :(

The joys of bonding adult sows... :yikes:
I am gutted that the girls decided they didn’t want Bron to be part of their group after all after it all looked so good 😞 but thank you for trying anyway. I guess you can’t choose their friends for them

No. That is where dating comes in. Acceptance is only the first hurdle; especially with older sows.
Wiebke also tried my girls with her other baby, Brangwyn after the failed bond with Bron and that wasn’t a success either after Ella took an instant dislike to him 😞 Brangwyn has gone back to living with Beti and Begw and my girls will be returning home on Sunday without a new husboar 😞 I’m gutted but they’re obviously happy as they are. I’m just so sorry that things haven’t worked out as we had hoped 😞 I thought they would like Bron especially as he looks like Edward and they got on so well in the beginning 😞
So sorry Claire, it’s weird but these older ladies don’t seem to take to young boars. I had extra fly the same trouble bonding Hector, Posh and Kiki. After such an easy bond with Ted, I was expecting the same and hit such a shock at how utterly aggressive it all became
So sorry Claire, it’s weird but these older ladies don’t seem to take to young boars. I had extra fly the same trouble bonding Hector, Posh and Kiki. After such an easy bond with Ted, I was expecting the same and hit such a shock at how utterly aggressive it all became
I know what you mean. I thought they would love a new husboar. Ella and Esme are usually so laid back so I was shocked when Wiebke told me they were teeth chattering etc and Ella didn’t like Brangwyn when he came to say hello 😞 I have made the decision to not try them with anymore piggies and have a break when my girls pass. It isn’t a decision I have taken lightly but I need to end the cycle somewhere. Still, I’m hoping my girls have a few years left in them yet x
I have had a lively week trying bond ginger Bron!

The bonding with his long time neighbours Dryw and her two little sidekicks, cousins Llinos (with the yellow face) and Lleian (with the white nose stripe) went really well for several hours with all parties doing mutual piggy washes in between dominance rounds but Bron is unfortunately one of those boars that doesn't have the sense to know when to stop - he is very much his father's son - and kept pushing and pestering Dryw as the leader and not taking a no for a no. Dryw is not very confident in herself and has some major fear-aggression issues and Bron instinctively reacted to that.
A second round in the bonding pen after an overnight separation after tensions mounted confirmed that neither side was willing to step back.

For @Claire W 's benefit I tried blonde brother Brangwyn with her three sows, but that lasted all of 5 minutes until Ella took strong exception to being humped by yet another pint-sized toy boy.

Bran went straight back to Beti and Begw who he is still getting on well with.
Sadly no wedding bells there! :(


Since yesterday Bron has been living with his half-sister Blodyn 'Flower' (they share dad Barcud but Blodyn is the daughter of his sister Millyn while Bron is the son of Barcud's and Millyn's mother Modron), who was always going to be my back-up plan in case any group bondings were failing.

It is not a great love story but they do get on and will hopefully become good friends over the coming months.

Bron knows timid Blodyn as his big sister (all of six weeks more) since being born in the Cornish sow group and from seeing her regularly through the bars during roaming time so he has accepted her established higher family ranking without much discussion. She's clearly a sharp shooter in target peeing; Bron has come to respect that very effective female weapon over the last few days!

She is currently doing the dominant top sow 'don't you dare to invade my private zone' bit but it is all on the mild and vocal level and there is no tension in their interaction. Bron is keeping himself entertained by rumbling at all his neighbouring sows instead - even the ones he failed to bond with!

PS: Bronruddyn 'Robin' was always going to be only a baby name since I went down in bird sizes as more and more aby boys were born to the Cornish family. He was going to have a different name in his prospective new home, which has sadly not come off.
After some consideration, I have decided to rename Bron Baeddan (pronounced Bythan) 'Boar' - it is an official Welsh boy's name and he is most definitely one, so please say hello and raise a toast to Blodyn and Baeddan 'Flower and Boar'!

Brangwyn 'White Raven' (nickname Bran) is keeping his name; it really suits him since he has got a feisty and mischievous side.
It’s been a very manic week for you! I am very sorry that none of the bondings have worked out with my girls and they are coming home boarless, thank you for trying but I am glad your plan C has paid off and you now have everyone sorted and I love Brons new name x