Fitch bedding questions

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 6, 2011
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I just noticed others talking about this but have a few more questions ?/

Piggies cage is all fleece at the mo but i'm finding it hard work, a few months ago I tried carefresh at one end, when they eventually got brave enough to walk on it one of them just ate itmallethead and it stuck to the fleece so i stopped using it.

Are they likely to do this with Fitch? if so, will it do then any harm?

I want to put it in the top of cage/hay loft where i want to move all the food and water bottle to aswell, my worry is.....
Without a fleece liner over the edges of the coroplast ( it's about 4" up the sides) they will chew it, how do you get around that problem? (in the past any exposed coroplast has been chewed grrrr

Any advice or tips about swapping from fleece very welcome :)

ta muchly x>>

I did use fleece for a while in a C&C cage but to be honest I didn't really get on with either the cage or the fleece! I know a lot of people like C&C with fleece but it just wasn't for me. The keeping it clean and dry, washing it etc was just a complete pain. I also found that it didn't keep my boys very dry and had to be changed every 2 days.

I had a fleece cage liner down with a hay loft and the hay loft had a cat litter tray on it with megazorb inside, placed underneath their hay rack and water bottle. This worked well in helping to keep the cage liner a little dryer and less smelly as they tend to pee where they eat and drink. BUT the mega zorb and hay got kicked everywhere and despite my best efforts I had a bedroom that looked like a farmyard at the end of the day! It doesn't stop hay or bedding getting onto the fleece either.

My two did eat the coroplast where it wasn't covered in fleece - Why?!

They are now on ecobed which is cardboard squares or they sometimes have finacard (shredded cardboard) and they are really happy on it. They sometimes chew on it but it does them no harm and they really enjoy burrowing in the hay and making little beds.

maisie and eddie haven't nibbled on the fitch luckily. maisie was the one who i thought would be nervous of walking over it, but she wasn't bothered at all, and even slept on it the same day.

if you get some small baby fleece blankets then you can cover the correx as you would a normal fleece liner. i only have one part of the correx that they chew, which is the part that opens out for floor time, so i just fold two brown paper bags over it and that is fine for us. :)

if i haven't managed to get any fleece and bedpads dry in time, i either use fitch in one side of the cage, or in all the cage, and i don't find that it stick to the fleece really. any that does seems easy to brush off, especially with one of those plastic bristle brushes. :)
I have used Fitch for a while now and am very impressed with it. It's soft and absorbent and I haven't had any problems with them eating it. It does stick to fleece snuggle sacks etc, but I just brush it off with a dustpan and brush brush. :)
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