Fitch Bedding - My Girls Just Voted With Their Feet!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2010
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So, i've tried quite a few different beddings, you always think the grass is greener and that the perfect bedding is just round the corner.

I have their main cage area in fitted fleece cage liner which suits me a treat, but have been using Megazorb in their kitchen and hay loft area.

Having read about Fitch I bought a bag from Amazon to give it a go. I've got to be honest and say I was not keen. Its like tissue paper that's been through the washing machine by mistake. It gets on the carpet and then sticks to your feet and travels round the house. So decided to go back to Megazorb.

They have both up until now chosen to mainly live in the kitchen area but after I cleaned the kitchen area and changed it to Megazorb at the weekend, they have both moved permanently into the hayloft which is still using Fitch.

So it looks like I have been overruled and they have voted with their feet! Guess I will just have to learn to be more tidy with the Fitch:-)
My hammy loves fitch too. I use it for the piggies in the indoor cage when they come in as well,and they just curl up and go to sleep! Mine would vote for it every time but their c&c in the shed is far too big to make it cost effective in there.
I've used both and we're sticking with Fitch for now ( you can buy it in large bales from the suppliers, I don't know if it's any cheaper than Amazon though). Used Megazorb for ages but lately I thought there seemed to be less in the bags ( a lot looser), it's always been very dusty and the smell can be really overpowering with some batches. I just about manage with one large bale of Fitch a month for my 5 ( hay area and the odd litter tray, the rest is fleece) but that may increase when the minipigs arrive! :yikes:
I'm currently giving megazorb a go… am impressed as when it gets closer to piggie clean out it doesn't smell (I can't really smell it due to my allergies :P so get the OH to do the sniff test)
I got a good size bag and it spreads so well so don't have to use loads to cover a certain area… only thing that I noticed was it takes a little longer to clean up but the lino looks so much cleaner now! :D
I'm so conflicted over beddings, I've heard nothing but good things about it but I'm not sure if it is actually better value for money then woodshavings (dust extracted) for my 4X3 C&C cage :\ Really want to give it a go though!
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