First Week Report

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2015
Reaction score
Washington, DC
About a week ago, I introduced Kindle to a new friend, Sonnet:


After a short show of dominance, Kindle and Sonnet became best friends and it's been a treat watching them together. These two sleep together, eat together, play chase, purr and wheek at each other, and call to each other when I take only one of them out of the cage for cuddles. I'm so glad Kindle finally has a friend after the first failed attempt (this past April, I acquired a pib from an... underqualified source -- tiny Nook was probably too young to have been separated from her mum and died after only 9 days with me). Is there anything I should be on the lookout for, or are they bonded fast now?

(Also, what's up with Sonnet's huge ears? LOL, will she grow into those or do some pibs just have Dumbo ears like that? XD )
Awwwwww :love: So glad they are getting along :)

Sounds like the bonding went really well, there may be a little rumbling for the next few days while the hierarchy is established but I would imagine it will be fairky quiet. Just make sure they have a house each so there is no squabbling over places to sleep

Those ears! She'll grow into them, I love dumbo ears on a pig
There's a photo in my other thread, they have two houses and a spare bed I've added since then just cuz I had it lying around. Sonnet seems to like sleeping under the hay tray edge too. XD
I will check that out in the morning! So pleased it has all gone well :) Hope to see lots more of them both over the next few weeks, keep us updated on this friendship please.
Very cute! She will likely grow into her ears... young animals always look to have big ears and feet.
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