First Time Wheeking

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
i know this probably sounds silly, but I woke up a little bit later than usual this morning, and the piggies were doing their usual breakfast wheeking...with one difference.

All three of them were wheeking at the top of their lungs! Snowy included! This was the first time that he has made a noise with the girlies! I am so pleased that he seems to be finally settling in. He has been shifted around a bit in the last 9 days, poor boar.

And he was extra cwtchy last night during cuddle time. I'm positive he's going to be a little cuddle monster. I just hope everything goes well in four weeks when he gets neutered. :)
:) So great when they find their voice. There will be no stopping Snowy now I bet :)
Awww I had such a cwtchy cuddle from him on Sunday. It was lovely. I always get cwtchy cuddles from the girlies...
Aww what a great feeling! He's saying he needs to be heard over his wives!
It sounds like you are going to have quite the noisy tribe once Snowy joins his wives in 10 weeks time.
I think so too Swissgreys

Snowy is currently sprawled on me squeaking away to himself. The girlies are in their pen near my feet.
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