First time piggie owner- need some advice!

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Oct 20, 2011
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Virginia, USA
Hi everyone,

I have been reading on this forum for some time now, and have already found a lot of useful information, but I hope you can help me with some questions.

As you can see from my title it my first time to own piggies, I have had them for only 2.5 weeks now. They are about a year old and I adopted them from the local guinea pig rescue. They are both male, brothers.

I know it has been only a short time since they are in my house- by the way they are the only animals there and I don't have any children- but they still seem very skittish and shy especially when I want to take them out of their cage, or when they have been in their play pen and have to go back. When I walk towards their cage I always talk to them, and I give them a little treat when trying to pick them up. I also use cuddle sacks and small blankets which seems to help. I am just really concerned about traumatizing them or hurting them when they are so skittish and nervous. And then I get nervous too and I am sure that doesn't help a bit!:(

So anyways... the handling part is really my biggest concern at this point, but I also know that I shouldn't rush things. Other than that they seem to be adjusting fine, they seem especially happy in the morning when I come to their cage with breakfast rolleyes

One more question- after their first week here they started to fight quite a bit. Now to me this looks more like playful fighting- if there is such a thing- they mostly chase each other, there is a bit of teeth chattering, squeaking and running around. No biting, and they have never injured each other. Are they also still figuring out dominance and territorial issues? The fighting never lasts for more than a few minutes, and then they are calm again and sit side by side.

I am sorry if some of my questions and concerns seem silly, I just want to make sure my piggies are doing well and I am not spooking them by doing something wrong.

Thank you so much in advance,

You are doing all the right things with your boys. You just need to remember that guinea pigs are prey animals and they are never going to be comfortable with being picked up. They are so new to you and their home they will not be settled yet. Have you thought of scooping them into a snuggle bag to pick up? That may make them a little less stressed but I really would not worry about things as it is just them being piggies.

Your boys will need to work out who is the boss and that will be the fighting. You said they have not injured themselves and that is the only reason you would need to step in. It sounds like you have two healthy little boys. :)
Hello welcome to the forum.
It sounds like you're doing all the right things so don't worry they'll just need a little more time to settle in fully.
There's a good guide here about boar behaviour
it sounds like they're just working out who's boss.
As piggyfan said they will naturally run rather than sit still to be picked up. With mine I have a few who are in a good routine. I tip their box or fiddlesticks (arch made of wooden branches) on to the side so there's a corner for them to go into. They know to go in the corner then I can scoop them up. The ones who aren't as good as that will just jump into their carry box - I pop it into their house (C&C cage) If you give them a treat, a little piece of their favourite veggy every time you pick them up they begin to associate it with good things. Are you happy you know how to pick them up correctly?

Now to the important bit - what are their names? and can we see photos please?

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