First Time Owner

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New Born Pup
May 17, 2017
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Hi its my first time as a Guinea pig owner and my baby is only 9 weeks old and I need some advice. Over the past few days a couple of times I've heard her squeal quite loud and I was wondering what it means? A couple pages I've read have said different things such as she wants attention or she's scared and similar things. Can anyone tell me? Thanks :)
Hello, welcome to the forum. Depends on the sound... Can you record it for us?

This site Guinea Pig Sounds is excellent for identifying piggy noises
Welcome to the world of pigs! When my pigs were young they did that as well. Usually it means they're excited in some way, whether that's scared, excited for food, etc. My older pig calmed down and my younger one still does it occasionally. I think younger pigs are just more vocal and easily excited. Look out for patterns that may indicate a reason she's doing it.
It's only been the twice she has done it and once was when I picked her up after play time to go back in her cage and second was when she was playing. She stopped both times after being giving attention and food. Thanks for replys :)
Mine wheak when I go past them or talk to them or open the hutch cos they think it means VEG! It is only VEG! when I tell them its 'din dins time piggie pogs' But they are forever hopeful!:drool:
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Here is a link to a site with some recorded sounds that are helpful. Learning your own guinea pig's chatter and communication takes time but wheeking can often be a sign of excitement.
Guinea Pig Sounds
It takes some time and familiarity to figure out what your guinea pig is 'saying' with their various noises. A loud noise could be a squeal (I had one who would 'shriek' when being picked up when she wasn't used to us yet.) The will also make a loud 'wheek' when anticipating food or excited. With time and practice, you'll figure out the difference! :)
Hi & Welcome to our friendly forum
You dont say whether she has a friend. If not you need to get one. Piggies don't do well by themselves, no matter how much love you give her, she needs to have a friend to chatter too.
She has 2 cats she loves playing with but no other piggies yet. We thought it wold be more suitable to see how the cats react with one first. She has her play time with the cats and she seems to enjoy it and that is when she wheeks so hopefully it's meaning she's hapay and excited :)
She has 2 cats she loves playing with but no other piggies yet. We thought it wold be more suitable to see how the cats react with one first. She has her play time with the cats and she seems to enjoy it and that is when she wheeks so hopefully it's meaning she's hapay and excited :)
Ironically, I just posted about getting my almost three old pig a companion for the first time. We also have cats, and I've spent a lot of time with him and was just nervous to get another pig. However, I am so glad that I did. He was happy before, but he is SO MUCH HAPPIER now. It really is so important for them to have a cagemate, I cannot stress this enough.
Also, she could be making that sound because she's afraid of the cats.
She has 2 cats she loves playing with but no other piggies yet. We thought it wold be more suitable to see how the cats react with one first. She has her play time with the cats and she seems to enjoy it and that is when she wheeks so hopefully it's meaning she's hapay and excited :)
Yeah my Beans and Toast often go up and see my dog when they're in the cage he goes up to the bars and the guinea pigs give him a wheek or three but wouldn't trust them together out of the cage.
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