First Time Clipping Nails - Do They Hate Me Now?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Hi all,

So, two days ago I had my girls out in their cozy for their first lap time. Apart from them being very nervous, it seemed to go ok. Tonight, though, I had to try and cut their nails. Took Ivory out first, in the cozy, and although she struggled a little, she was actually ok. Ebony, on the other hand, went into the cozy as planned, but then once I was sitting in the bathroom, she was trying to dig and bite through the bottom of the cozy, and then trying to jump out of it and clicking her teeth like mad. Scared of terrifying her completely, and getting bitten myself, I gave up and put her back in the cage. Her nails aren't as bad as Ivory's were and can safely be left to grow a little longer, but she's going to have to be done eventually!
I had gotten them to the point that both would eat out of my hand and am worried that all my hard work will now be ruined?
Do not worry and think your bond will be broken. Mine all hate having their nails cut too. It is helpful if somebody can hold them while you do it as it is very difficult to keep them still yourself.
I live on my own so there is no-one who can help me lol! Am I better to take them to a vet to have it done?
In that case do not worry. It can be done on your own. I see no point in having to pay a vet to do it. They do hate having their nails cut so do not think it is just you. One of mine starts biting her nails from the stress.
I find that if I sit and cuddle them on the couch first, get the calm and settled then sit them up with their back on your chest/stomach and count to 3 out loud before you clip each one seems to do the trick. For the back nails anyway. Still figuring out how to get the front ones done without being bitten and fought against.
They definitely won't hate you!

If it is less stressful for you, and the veterinary costs involved are reasonable, then I would consider taking them to the vet. I used to take my boys there and watch while one of the nurses cut their nails. If you ask them to show you, then I'm sure they will. You may then feel more comfortable doing it yourself :)
i do mine on my own and none of them like it. Havent been bitten yet
Worth investing in proper clippers like these - also giver them some parsley of coriander to eat, this will keep the a little distracted.

Your hard work won't have been ruined, ours always sulk after nail clips.... As said above if it gets too stressful vets will often do it for a small fee. Or they can show you a good technique to use.
I've been following this thread as I need advice about this too ! I am still a newbie to guinea pig ownership. I've had a go at cutting Max's nails but he has fair coloured nails so I'm not so nervous as I can see where the blood supply ends so can see where to avoid! Also, I had a look at youtube for pointers.
I haven't had my other 2 that long and I haven't needed to cut their nails yet but they have dark coloured nails so won't be so easy to do. I would much prefer to do it myself if I can do an adequate job - However, if I struggle, I will go to the vets for the first few times.
I've been following this thread as I need advice about this too ! I am still a newbie to guinea pig ownership. I've had a go at cutting Max's nails but he has fair coloured nails so I'm not so nervous as I can see where the blood supply ends so can see where to avoid! Also, I had a look at youtube for pointers.
I haven't had my other 2 that long and I haven't needed to cut their nails yet but they have dark coloured nails so won't be so easy to do. I would much prefer to do it myself if I can do an adequate job - However, if I struggle, I will go to the vets for the first few times.
Just snip off the very ends and you will be fine.
I have to distract my 2 with a whole baby corn each - they pick that even over carrot! I tried once with parsley and coriander but they had finished it before I even managed the first nail!
When I had Ivory, instead of holding her leg or foot, I just put my finger under it and she seemed happy enough and let me cut the nails on three feet out of four before she started trying to get away. She has light nails but since it was my first time and I am still trying to gain their trust, I just took the very end of the nail off.
I get kicked and scratched. I also live on my own and have to try myself.
Good point @Chukkin - I never hold their feet - they hate it and try to get away. I too just rest their feet on my finger and it stops part of the stress.
I usually do the "carrot" mechanism. It's when you bribe the piggy (or piggies) with a carrot, and before and after doing one whole foot, let them eat the carrot. I get scratched by Sprite whenever I've gotta clip his nails, but after it's done, they shouldn't hate you. The bond between you and your piggies shouldn't be broken that easily.
I've got a seriously feisty piggy who does NOT like his nails clipped. It once took three of us to hold him down! However I have got the hang of it now doing it myself, although it took some practice. You do have to get in there and do one after the other in fairly quick succession while holding their feet firmly. My piggies have always kicked and fought a lot less if they upright as well! They both hated to be rolled sideways or anything.
Its a two person job for me, they do not like it at all! Although they struggle and fight me afterwards all they want is a cuddle. I find bribery with a piece of lettuce works. During the clipping attempt and after as a reward!
they make it into such a drama don't they :)) ches was such a good boy but did not appreciate nail trims. he demanded a leaf after every nail as a reward :roll:

maisie is totally fine and has clear nails so really easy. i thought eddie would be the worst because he's a bit of a wriggler and has dark nails, but he's brilliant. just sits there whilst i'm trying to shine a torch under each nail, and then cut, and not panic i'm going to get the quick :roll: :)) i did get his quick once and he didn't even seem that fussed. not after his initial squeal anyway. he hasn't been nervous after it or anything.

and they'll forgive you after a little reward. x
your bond will never be broken. i find it best to put my guinea pigs back on my belly and keep talking to him. just be careful not to go to deep. dont go any lower than wear the pink is in its nail or it will bleed. hope this helps.:)
I find that if I sit and cuddle them on the couch first, get the calm and settled then sit them up with their back on your chest/stomach and count to 3 out loud before you clip each one seems to do the trick. For the back nails anyway. Still figuring out how to get the front ones done without being bitten and fought against.
Best to get the front ones done first and leave the easy ones ( the back) until last. I'm afraid it's one of those things that you have to just screw up your courage and do and eventually you develop a technique that works for you and the piggies resign themselves to it. With regards avoiding bites, get a decent pair of gardening gloves, thick enough to protect you but flexible enough for fiddly nail cutting - I used to use a pair of thick suede rose gardening gloves, they weren't cheap but saved me from a few nasty nips until I got the hang of doing Moonpig's nails ( she really could be a terror if she wasn't happy with what you were doing and despite having cut the other's nails for ages I was ona steep learning curve with our little Princess!).
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