First Nail trimming - Help!


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2018
Reaction score
Oak Ridge, Tennesse
A few days ago I noticed Igby's nails were a bit long so I decided to trim their nails today. Well, I am still trimming Igby's nails now. Igby just ran off so I'm letting her cool down. Petunia though, was a peach. It was hard to hold her paw sometimes but she just kept munching on her lettuce even when I grabbed it again and again. I trimmed Petunias front feet, yay! I just put Igby back in her cage. I had them on some fleece on my desk and the cage is on the desk as well. Igby just kept running to where the cage was and biting the bars. She was being a real pain and I dont want her to be super mad at me so I let her back in her cage. I got one of her front feet trimmed. I got her right but her left is the worst. They are semi curling in but she just kept running away! It was so sad as she tried to climb on my arm and get away from the nail trimmers. I was successful with Petunia which i'm really happy about but I feel bad for Igby. Any advice?
Try wrapping Igby in a towel (like a guinea pig sausage roll) with a leg hanging out, clip the nails on that foot, unwrap piggie and repeat. If she is particulaly wriggly, if possible, get someone to hold her.
I wouldn't be able to set mine down and trim their nails. I sit with them on my knee and hold them up so their back is against my stomach/chest area. I try to get two fingers in front of the front legs and the rest of my hand behind and then the other hand is for trimming
Is there someone in your household that can help you? I have either my sister or dad hold one of my piggies while I do the clipping. They're squirmy!
I finally got the nail trimming over with and I got my friend to help hold them. I was able to cut all of Igbys and finish of Petunias back feet. Petunias back legs have black nails so it was hard to trim, I just added slight pressure and saw of she squeaked or not if she didn't I went ahead and cut it. When I was trimming Igby's nails she squeaked SO LOUD, it made me feel awful but I know she needs her nails trimmed so it was done anyways. Dont worry she got compensated with treats afterwards. Igby is hiding away, probably mad at me but Petunia is still prancing around as always. Thanks for all of the advice! One more question, should I trim their nails every week? 2 weeks? month?
I would trim their nails when they need doing so check on then every week. But if I had to say a certain amount of time 4-5 weeks (well that's when my guinea pigs need their cut).
A few days ago I noticed Igby's nails were a bit long so I decided to trim their nails today. Well, I am still trimming Igby's nails now. Igby just ran off so I'm letting her cool down. Petunia though, was a peach. It was hard to hold her paw sometimes but she just kept munching on her lettuce even when I grabbed it again and again. I trimmed Petunias front feet, yay! I just put Igby back in her cage. I had them on some fleece on my desk and the cage is on the desk as well. Igby just kept running to where the cage was and biting the bars. She was being a real pain and I dont want her to be super mad at me so I let her back in her cage. I got one of her front feet trimmed. I got her right but her left is the worst. They are semi curling in but she just kept running away! It was so sad as she tried to climb on my arm and get away from the nail trimmers. I was successful with Petunia which i'm really happy about but I feel bad for Igby. Any advice?

Take your time with nail cutting and if necessary, do it in more than one session.

Make use of our 'piggy whispering' tricks to tell her that you love her but also that you are in charge. Always start with love and end with love. Asserting your authority in a way she understands instinctively and is wired to accept is surprisingly effective! Also give plenty of praise and reassurance during the procedure. You have to also keep hin mind that your piggy is picking up on your insecurity.
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips