First Nail Trim

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
I booked the girls in to a P@H groom room to have their nails trimmed. I have read up about it but never fancied doing the first trim. Their carrier has been in their cage for them to get used to it and the appointment was today.

I had no idea how they would behave, and I held them as there was only one worker (stylist?) in the room. She trimmed the nails on their little paws...and they behaved brilliantly. There was no biting, no wriggling, no squealing or screaming. They were both as good as gold.

The stylist even commented on their behaviour and wanted a cuddle, but Smudge wanted nothing to do with that. She clung to me and wriggled under my chin, squeaking in defiance. The stylist smiled, gave out a long awwwww, and said that she knows who her owner is!

I cannot believe how good the girlies were, so I bought them a treat in store and I'm cleaning them out tomorrow as they have had enough of a disruption for one day.

I'm one happy piggy mum... fancy the piggies knowing who their mum is!
That's so lovely, it's great when they behave well. The vets always say mine are a joy to handle... Well, except 1 single time ages ago when a vet told me that the worst bite he'd ever had was from a guinea pig. I reassured him that my guinea pigs are handled well and never bite. He then picked up my Abyssinian piggy Oakley quite roughly UPSIDE DOWN! Of course, she then sank her teeth into his hand. So i quickly took her back from him and said in my most disapproving voice; "guinea pigs DON'T enjoy being manhandled!" and then he actually apologised to me. While rubbing his hand better. Makes me laugh remembering that now :D
Pride in our piggies' behaviour is like pride in our children's behaviour. I used to like to think that mine (human and cavy) have party manners and can be trusted to behave reasonably well. However, I'm not so smug since Mabel bit the vet not once but twice at the last visit. That was a real first (and second!).
Sounds like yours did you proud. Well done x
Yeh, I was proud...especially when Smudge dug what was left of her claws in to my jacket and refused to be petted by a stranger.

That was adorable. :)
Awwwwwwwww! Our first vet visit...Duncan, the usually timid, shy, nervous piggy, was good as gold. Just looked so laid back, maybe he thought the vet was pretty?:wub:
But Godfrey, the bold, daring, jump-off-high-places piggy, squealed at the top of his little lungs!
We trim the nails ourselves, taking a break after each foot. Neither are very pleased about it, but they get a treat afterwards!
What a sweetie Smudge is! She only has one human:love:
Very cute! Isn't it funny how, when they are at home, they hide from you and struggle when you pick them up... Then when you take them to a vet or groomer they cling to you? Makes a piggie momma feel good inside! :))
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