First Lap-time - What Does This Behaviour Mean?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Ok, so tonight I took a leap of faith and decided it was time for an introduction to lap time since I have had the girls for just over a week. I herded them into their big cozy and picked them up in that. Once I was sitting, I put a blanket over my lap, and draped it loosely around the cozy so they felt more secure.
For the first couple of minutes, there was squeaking (a scared squeak I think) and wriggling around and one piggie trying to dig through the bottom of the cozy, but then they seemed to settle. After a little while (couple of minutes) they would start squeaking and wriggling again (almost as if they didn't have enough room because they were both there?) and then settle. This happened a couple more times before Ivory lay down completely - by this I mean she pushed her little legs out behind her and was slightly on one side. I don't know what she was implying by this - was it a "I'm comfy so I'll just chill out", or more of a "you're bigger than me, so I surrender" because she was terrified?
I didn't try to touch them directly, occasionally stroking them through the side of the cozy, but Ivory let me touch her so softly for a few seconds before pulling away. I spent about 10 minutes with them on my lap before I put them back into the cage.
Should I try taking them out separately when I try again tomorrow? I didn't want them to be scared of the cozy and link it with a scary activity but both have been in and out of it since I put them (and it) back into the cage.

Apologies for the novel, I'm just keen to get things right and ensure my girls are happy :)
I think it sounds like it went really well! Lying down shows she was relaxed with you. You should be very happy! I would continue to have them out together as they will feel more confident.
Sounds like they were very happy to me. My new little girl sat there trembling when I had her on my lap yesterday (calmed after roughly a few minutes though) so yours definitely sound happy to have their little legs spread out - a sign of relaxation.
Chooken leg! You should've taken a photo! We're big fans :drool:

I love it when my piggies are curled up and do the occasional yawn before sticking their legs out even more!
Ah brilliant, thanks everybody - it is SO incredibly helpful to have people here who have been in the same situation and know exactly what is going on! I seriously wanted to take a photo but was too scared to move and terrify them! I know Ivory was pushing her little legs out but she was lying in front of Ebony so I couldn't see what she was doing, but neither seemed to be trembling. I was looking out for "warning signs" like trembling, grumbling (which Ivory does a lot!) and teeth chattering - but didn't see any of those... :)
As everyone else has said sounds like it is going really well, you even saw a chooken leg :drool:
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