First Lap Time - Scared The Life Out Of Me

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
So I tried our first lap time with Hugo. He ran straight out of the snuggle sack, along the back of the sofa and jumped off! Luckily he went straight back into his sack and I popped him in his run. Frightened the life out of me. There's me thinking he'd sit quietly on my lap and eat veg lol. Nervous about doing it again with him and my other piggies now.
My new pig is like this too! Way more active than my other pig who just sits and lets me pet him. What gives? Lol!
Yikes! That's what I'm always scared of, and so terrified the cats will get them!
So what I do instead is lock myself in the bathroom and do laptime sitting in the empty bath LoL
Wow, he sounds like a feisty fellow. You can never predict how a first lap time will go. I aim for just a few minutes of cuddling at first so they get used to the concept and don't freak out. But I've had piggies who've shot out of their snugglies, and up over my shoulder, too. Don't think I've ever moved so fast either! Don't let it out you off. He will get used to it eventually.
First floor time years ago my grumpy old Mrs Fudge vanished behind a dresser and wouldn't come out for hours. I was beside myself. She, on the other hand, was slightly dusty but none the worse for wear.
Ha ha! When Hadley was a baby, she was on my lap when my son leaned over the back of the couch and said, "Hi Hadley!" It startled her so much that she ran right off the edge of the couch and I had to chase her around a bit in order to keep her from getting in behind the TV (definitely not piggy-proofed!) It will get better, hang in there!
We fixed this for our pig. Our temporary cage for him was on the floor, once we moved it to table level he was very calm for lap time!
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