First Hutch Clean - Catching The Boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 3, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I need to do the first full hutch clean on Saturday. The boys are getting there but still pretty skittish. I have a run to put them in but any tips on catching them? I don't want to stress them.
You could try herding them into tunnels or snuggle pouches if you have them and then picking these up instead, that way there will be less chasing and cornering on your part. I found this really helps to relax my skittish boar when I'm carrying him to and from his hutch.
I do have 2 snuggle pouches, I might pop some carrot in and try herding them in. I've been clucking my tongue and calling wigwigs when I take then food and they are starting to come out when I do that so hopefully that will help.
I have still never managed to catch my girls in their cage.
I have two options for moving them - one is to sort of chase/herd them into their long fleece tunnel, then I grab both ends and lift them out inside it. The other is to try and chase/herd them into a big snuggle sack and then lift them out in that.
They get a bit nervous and sometimes you have to lift out some of the other things they can hide in, but definitely rather try and herd them into a removable object and just transport them out in that as ultimately it is less terrifying for them and much easier for you.

ETA: by "chase" I mean slowly moving my hand up behind them. As soon as it gets near they dart off. This way I guide them into the general area of the tunnel or snuggle sack. Nia has realised now it means I'm going to take her out so she usually runs past it and does everything possible not to go in it at first, but normally within a minute or two she goes inside. It does often mean upturning all their other hidies first though.
I had to un-Velcro the ramp tunnel and carry them into the run in that, then they sat in it the whole time but I needed to get them out to clean it. Once they were out they had a run around, ate their veg and hay and generally had a nice time. Ernie went straight into his snuggle sack to go back in the hutch, Hugo took some convincing but I managed to herd him in eventually.

Should I put them in the run again tomorrow?
I have eventually managed to persuade Fudge to hop into his pet carrier when I put it into his cage. I then shut the door and lift him out that way. He doesn't mind being picked up from the pet carrier. Lol. He was a unwanted pet from freeadds. So don't know how he was treated before. Peanut I can usually just lift out, again he was from free adds but was obviously loved as he's easy to handle. Buddy isn't very easy to catch. I try the snuggle bad method too as he chatters his teeth at the carrier. Lol. You're doing well if you've got them out already. Well done.
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