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First GP sex?!


New Born Pup
Jun 30, 2024
Reaction score
Beauceville Quebec Canada
Hi, first Guinea Pig today! Would like to get a companion for him/her but I want to verify it’s sex first! 7 weeks old tomorrow, tried to get some decent pictures but they were not having it!


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Je suis pas sure du sexe mais je voulais dire bienvenue au site et au monde des cochon d'inde! C'est une vraie joie de les avoir comme animal de compagnie.

J'ai habité en France pendant six ans et je voudrais tellement retourner à Montréal pour des vacancies! Quel plaisir de voir un(e) francophone!
Here is our sexing guide have a read through and see if that helps you decide as the photos are a little burred. your are quite welcome to send some clearing ones but we appreciate how hard that is. Is there anyone who can hold the piggies while you photograph?
Illustrated Sexing Guide
Je suis pas sure du sexe mais je voulais dire bienvenue au site et au monde des cochon d'inde! C'est une vraie joie de les avoir comme animal de compagnie.

J'ai habité en France pendant six ans et je voudrais tellement retourner à Montréal pour des vacancies! Quel plaisir de voir un(e) francophone!
Vacances, désolée

Please do note that all posts need to be in English
Hi, first Guinea Pig today! Would like to get a companion for him/her but I want to verify it’s sex first! 7 weeks old tomorrow, tried to get some decent pictures but they were not having it!

The difference in gender is more obvious when you gently pry apart the slit. Boars just have a straight slit that goes down into the anal sac while sows have a much more complex arrangement of flaps that seal the opening outside of them being in season just below the rim.
You can find the comparison pictures of the inside for reference in the Sexing guide: Illustrated Sexing Guide

There is also another hands-on part to any sexing which gives you are clear yes or no result: when you feel just above the knob you should feel a tiny hard bump just under the skin. This in the ridge from the penis shaft which sows quite obviously haven't got. If you cannot feel anything, then you have a sow. All of us do this with your own piggies.

Since we have some serious limitation when sexing online, ranging from blurry pictures to lack of being able to handle the piggy ourselves, we kindly ask owners to please take an extra picture of the inside of the slit (it is ideally a two person job) and to also feel for the penis shaft so we can have three different gender markers for a 100% safe identification where there is no longer any guessing room left at all. It is our aim to get as many owners to learn exactly where to look/feel and what to look and feel for in order to never again having to rely on other people.

We do offer a second opinion service as a safety net but the more people know, the better. Knowing how to sex a guinea pig reliably is not the worst life skill to acquire and we want to spread it as much as possible.

I have a good idea what your piggy is likely to be but as things stand it is more in the way of a guess than a surety. And that is not good enough when you deal with the consequences of getting it wrong on a regular basis, like we do on this forum.
Je suis pas sure du sexe mais je voulais dire bienvenue au site et au monde des cochon d'inde! C'est une vraie joie de les avoir comme animal de compagnie.

J'ai habité en France pendant six ans et je voudrais tellement retourner à Montréal pour des vacancies! Quel plaisir de voir un(e) francophone!

Please note that we want all of our posts to be readable for everybody on this UK based forum with an international membership.

We would kindly ask you to either stick to English or to provide an additional courtesy English translation once you get past 'happy birthday', 'thank you' or formulaic seasonal greetings that everybody can get the gist of so nobody feels excluded, no matter how innocuous it is what you are saying; and since I understand French myself as well I do know that. ;)

As a Swiss married to a Welshman I do fully understand and appreciate your delight in occasionally meeting people from areas you have personal connections to on here and just how wonderful it is when you find somebody you can talk to in a different language you are also fluent in but we have to remain respectful of the fact that we are part of an English speaking community.
Sorry! I'll provide a translation.

I said

I don't know the sex, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and the world of guinea pigs! It's such a joy to have them as pets.

I lived in France for six years and would love to return to Montreal for vacation. Nice to see a francophone on here!
Sorry! I'll provide a translation.

I said

I don't know the sex, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and the world of guinea pigs! It's such a joy to have them as pets.

I lived in France for six years and would love to return to Montreal for vacation. Nice to see a francophone on here!

Thank you. Much appreciated. :tu:
The difference in gender is more obvious when you gently pry apart the slit. Boars just have a straight slit that goes down into the anal sac while sows have a much more complex arrangement of flaps that seal the opening outside of them being in season just below the rim.
You can find the comparison pictures of the inside for reference in the Sexing guide: Illustrated Sexing Guide

There is also another hands-on part to any sexing which gives you are clear yes or no result: when you feel just above the knob you should feel a tiny hard bump just under the skin. This in the ridge from the penis shaft which sows quite obviously haven't got. If you cannot feel anything, then you have a sow. All of us do this with your own piggies.

Since we have some serious limitation when sexing online, ranging from blurry pictures to lack of being able to handle the piggy ourselves, we kindly ask owners to please take an extra picture of the inside of the slit (it is ideally a two person job) and to also feel for the penis shaft so we can have three different gender markers for a 100% safe identification where there is no longer any guessing room left at all. It is our aim to get as many owners to learn exactly where to look/feel and what to look and feel for in order to never again having to rely on other people.

We do offer a second opinion service as a safety net but the more people know, the better. Knowing how to sex a guinea pig reliably is not the worst life skill to acquire and we want to spread it as much as possible.

I have a good idea what your piggy is likely to be but as things stand it is more in the way of a guess than a surety. And that is not good enough when you deal with the consequences of getting it wrong on a regular basis, like we do on this forum.
I felt a small bump? Do I need to do more pictures?


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Sorry! I'll provide a translation.

I said

I don't know the sex, I just wanted to welcome you to the forum and the world of guinea pigs! It's such a joy to have them as pets.

I lived in France for six years and would love to return to Montreal for vacation. Nice to see a francophone on here!

Je suis pas sure du sexe mais je voulais dire bienvenue au site et au monde des cochon d'inde! C'est une vraie joie de les avoir comme animal de compagnie.

J'ai habité en France pendant six ans et je voudrais tellement retourner à Montréal pour des vacancies! Quel plaisir de voir un(e) francophone!
Merci & thank you for the warm welcome!
I felt a small bump? Do I need to do more pictures?

Hi, you most definitely have a boy.

You have indeed felt the right tiny bump since there is also a nice round button shaped penis sat well above a straight slit with a fleshy area in between, like a lower case letter i.

So 3 male gender markers achieved! And you now know what to look and feel for in a companion for your little boy... :tu:

Rescues (Adoption and Dating), Shops, Breeders or Online? - What to consider when getting guinea pigs