First Day

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2016
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Hi everyone!
So lemon arrived about 30min ago, after a very long and exciting car ride she's in her pen. The poor baby is scared to death though!
Her traveller had a puppy pad and a fleece in it, i just got her out with the entire deal as the blanket was still 'roled' up a bit and she found her way in it so she could have a hidey hole.
She's still sitting in her rolled up blanket, and seems very scared.
Is there anyway i can give her some piece of mind ?
When we left they gave me a piece of apple which i've left in the cage with some water and hay, anything else i should put in there so i can leave her to adjust ?
Much Love!
If it is possible you could put a blanket or towel over her pen so it feels more covered and secure and she might then be brave enough to explore
Mine used to enjoy cardboard boxes upside down with a couple of exits cut in to them. All guinea pigs love places tomhide and lots of hay.

You must ever so excited to have her home. Hopemshe settles soon.
She doesn't seem to move much and stays well hidden in her blanket. I might give her a slice of tangerine(?) later, just to make sure she's getting some "fluid" in too. She's willing to eat the things i put right in front of her blanket but getting out seems too scary for her right now.
I put a blanket over the pen and closed the door to her room hopefully that will help a bit. Tomorrow her friend is coming, which might give her a bit of a nudge to explore as well (:
Also what do you guys think. Should I put them in a pen for a bit and clean out the entire cage or will that not be necessary as Lemon will only have been in the cage for a day ? I'm definitely putting them in the pen to meet but should I clean out the entire cage or not ?
Would i have to clean the wooden item in the cage ? If so how or not at all ? I really wanna get this right so i'm sorry with all my questions!
Much love!
If it were me I wouldn't take any chances, and would do an entire cage clean out.
As Lemon is clearly still very nervous in her new surroundings she probably won't have time to start to feel territorial yet, but it's really not worth taking the chance. In my limited experience a lone piggy is very different to a piggy with others, and on their first day together is not the time to discover that one of your girls is territorial!
So I would set up a totally neutral bonding pen, and while they are in that I would clean the cage out fully, so they have a new environment to return to once you know they get on ok.
Good luck - I am sure it will go well and Lemon will be so much happier with a friend.
I'm probably being a overly worried newbie owner but Lemon still hasn't eaten or drank anything yet ...
I made sure there is hay all around where she's hiding, and I put an apple with her (she used to getting apples from her previous owner)
Should I be worried or am I just hoovering too much ? She is pooing and peeing like normal though
Hey, relax! You can take the pig to hay but you can't make it eat. As long as she has access to hay and water she'll be fine. If you give her things like cucumber she'll get fluids, and if there's hay right by her she can eat it, for now leave her be- I bet she's so scared! When we first got the boys, they didn't leave their pigloo all day. At night we saw them toddle magical. Any movement or noise and they'd dash back in! Now they're confident, cheeky little munchkins. Anyway, she will be okay, if there's hay all around her she may well have a nibble. Best of luck, and please don't fret!
P.S I've had the boys since August, and I'm still often worried:P
Hi. Congratulations on providing a home for Lemon! Can I just check what your plan actually is?
It sounds as though you have brought Lemon home yesterday and she is fairly terrified - as most piggies would be in a new environment, that is normal. And you are getting another piggie today and planning to introduce them straight away?
If so that is a slightly barmy plan considering how many 'new' things you are asking the piggies to cope with.
Have you read
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
You will see that the very start of the thread talks about leaving new piggies for a few days to settle into a new home before introductions. Also about quarantine period. Where is the second piggie coming from? Is it a background you know about?

If you decide not to quarantine, is there are way to divide your cage so they have a half each to begin with and can interact through the bars first?
Just tagging someone who is used to getting sows from different backgrounds - I only have boars and you have to be probably more cautious with introductions but I think most of the same rules apply @pig in the city
Let us know how you get on but please take everything a step at a time - better to go slowly rather than rush and find another problem emerges.
Large piles of hay are excellent for new shy piggies and don't watch them all the time - a new watched pig doesn't eat :)
Hi Laura!
1 piggy is from a known breeder in my country (lots of people recommended her to me) so health wise i feel very safe about it, the other one is a rescue piggy so she has undergone quarentine. If need be I can seperate them for a couple of nights (won't be easy but i'm sure i can find a way) I guess I was just misinformed about the bonding. They told me to introduce them immediately.
If this is absolutely not recommended than I'll just have to get creative!
Much Love!
Hi Laura!
1 piggy is from a known breeder in my country (lots of people recommended her to me) so health wise i feel very safe about it, the other one is a rescue piggy so she has undergone quarentine. If need be I can seperate them for a couple of nights (won't be easy but i'm sure i can find a way) I guess I was just misinformed about the bonding. They told me to introduce them immediately.
If this is absolutely not recommended than I'll just have to get creative!
Much Love!
Yes just have them alongside each other for a few days to let them settle in. Then introduce them on neutral territory. Once you are happy that they are bonded you can return them to their main cage. Good luck
As soon as i put Panda next to Lemon, she started to make noises. For the first time Lemon actually stirred! She only went to lay down next to the fence and didn't budge much after that but panda was sniffing through the fence and talking without stopping.
Half an hour ago lemon was even squaking happily! It filled my heart with joy! I've been feeling so bad and worried of my little lemon as she barely moves and was so quiet all the time. I've actually seen her eat hay and run around! Such improvement!
Panda is a really little miss chatter and runs around with loads of boldness
I am so pleased that Lemon is beginning to settle, it takes time for them to feel settled, iv just got new Guinea pigs on Friday and when ever they hear or see us the run, it will take patience but they will get there
Hi everyone!
So lemon arrived about 30min ago, after a very long and exciting car ride she's in her pen. The poor baby is scared to death though!
Her traveller had a puppy pad and a fleece in it, i just got her out with the entire deal as the blanket was still 'roled' up a bit and she found her way in it so she could have a hidey hole.
She's still sitting in her rolled up blanket, and seems very scared.
Is there anyway i can give her some piece of mind ?
When we left they gave me a piece of apple which i've left in the cage with some water and hay, anything else i should put in there so i can leave her to adjust ?
Much Love!
It's tricky, just some peace and quiet I think, I always think when I get a new pet how they must feel, taken away from mum, family, not knowing where they're going, no wonder it's terrifying!
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