First Bath Tomorrow

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2015
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BB is going to have her first bath tomorrow.
She is the only one of my three who ever looks grubby.
Previously it's just been newspaper print transferred onto her white bits, which just comes off after a bit, but this time I can only imagine that she's let some poos marinade in wee a while before smushing her bum/hip in it. She's got herself a bit cleaner over this evening but water and a cloth is definitely required to get her properly clean again.
Fortunately we have a multitude of washing up bowls, two of which live in the bathroom, so she'll be in a bowl, in the bath in case of escapeage and I'll be wearing thick gloves.

It's been along time since a bathed a guinea pig and my previous ones were all-round more compliant than she is!
Good luck one of mine requires a bath. First time I would of ever bathed a guinea pig. Should be entertaining.
I love newly bathed piggies, I swear it's the only time they will happily sit still swaddled in a towel...of course food afterwards is always a good call.
They are always so fluffy and puffy afterwards when they are dried too. Most of my lot are quite happy with baths these days, which i don't do often, with the exception of Flossie who really does get herself into a mess being long haired. Lots of bum hair cropping too.
I love newly bathed piggies, I swear it's the only time they will happily sit still swaddled in a towel...of course food afterwards is always a good call.
They are always so fluffy and puffy afterwards when they are dried too. Most of my lot are quite happy with baths these days, which i don't do often, with the exception of Flossie who really does get herself into a mess being long haired. Lots of bum hair cropping too.

I love how ruffled they look as they are rubbed gently dry. And I agree a fresh clean piggy is definitely they cutest!

Good luck with the bath @Guineapigfeet
Well it was less stressful than I antisipated. I had her in one washing up bowl (in the bath) and the warm water in another bowl and although she was fidgety in her bowl and was looking out over the edges as I wiped her dirty bits, she didn't escape. Until she jumped into the bowl with all the water in! It wasn't deep but it did get her tummy all wet which I didn't really want. Wrapped her up in a towel on my lap and she promptly decided to get un-wrapped as fast as possible. I took the worse off then popped her back in with her sisters to dry off in some new hay (and on our carpet!) Just checked her and it's only the thickest bits that are still damp and until they are dry I can't really tell how successful the bath was! The water was defiantly dirty so it will be a bit better even if it's not perfect!
BB is going to have her first bath tomorrow.
She is the only one of my three who ever looks grubby.
Previously it's just been newspaper print transferred onto her white bits, which just comes off after a bit, but this time I can only imagine that she's let some poos marinade in wee a while before smushing her bum/hip in it. She's got herself a bit cleaner over this evening but water and a cloth is definitely required to get her properly clean again.
Fortunately we have a multitude of washing up bowls, two of which live in the bathroom, so she'll be in a bowl, in the bath in case of escapeage and I'll be wearing thick gloves.

It's been along time since a bathed a guinea pig and my previous ones were all-round more compliant than she is!
I haven't found any of mine to be that keen on bath time! Thank god it's not too often
I had to bathe Snowy yesterday due to orange fur where he had been laying on peppers instead of eating them (I checked his fur and the colour was only on the tips).

One wriggly piggy, one pair of hands (mine) and several towels later...and one wet but unhappy piggy. Dried him off on several towels making him damp, then met him dry off in a warm room. He was still sulking an hour later, and that was after his fav veg!
I've only bathed 2 of my 4 pigs so far, it was actually very easy! More nerve wracking for me worrying about them catching a chill! Think I got lucky with them, however Bella refused to be placed facing away from me so I could do her bottom properly, always has to be looking at me and near me. She's such a clingy pig! :))
Glad it went well. The measure of success is getting in and out without your taking a bath too oh and of course....some dirty bits removed no matter the evil looks you receive!
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