First Bath, Drying Question?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
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Hey guys,

I just gave my only long haired piggie her first bath because she really smelt awful and was getting a bit matty even with being brushed daily. She was really good in the bath and didn't make a fuss, i cuddle her in a towel to get most of the water from her fur/hair, i also swapped to a dry towel and gave a her gentle rub.

I then started to blow dry her making sure the temperature wasn't too hot and kept my hand between her and the blow but she got really upset after a while and was really squeaking and making a horrid sound, so I've stopped because i felt awful and she made me cry. She's only a little dampish and she's in with her friend and they've got their dinner time veggies early as a treat...

I've put my heating on and the radiator in my room on full blast, will she be okay or should i try with the hair dryer again to get her completely dry I'm really worried?


Here she is having a little nap a few days ago...

Oh she is stunning! Mine hate the hairdryer too and try to run away. As you have the heating on I am sure she will be fine.
Oh she is stunning! Mine hate the hairdryer too and try to run away. As you have the heating on I am sure she will be fine.

Thanks piggyfan, she is mostly dry and i just wanted to make sure, when i was little my dad use to bath my guinea pigs and dry them and i don't recall him using a hair dryer but I wanted to get her mostly dry... it's reassuring to know other piggies hate the hair dryer too! :tu:
Well first of all I give my piggies baths all the time and they are fine with the hairdryer so you are not hurting her in any way, she probably just isn't very keen on it. It is important to make sure your pigs are dry before you put them back in their cage or else they could catch a cold. If you really have to put them on there cage when they are not completely dry, then put the heating on and check back on them every half hour.
I hope I have helped x
When I bathed mine I used a hair dryer had them in a box one at a time - Maple panicked and climbed out, Pecan pooped herself, Patch did the same, Lucky climbed out and peed herself and Rambo squealed and pooped herself :P
She will be absolutely fine! Just leave her to dry in a nice warm and comfy place and don't let her outside until she is completely dry. If you do that she will be fine ! :)
Have you tried putting her in something with a hot (not too hot) water bottle, that might work! x
I usually keep mine in their carry box (for vets visits) wrapped in towels and fleeces until they are nearly dry when they are just a bit damp they go back in their cages in their room which is heated
mine were bathed yesterday then towel dried. As I had the heating on I just let them bury themselves in their new hay as I have tried the hairdryer before, dudley never used to mind it but Yuri hates it so rather than stress them out especially as they were being rebonded I left them to it, they both seemed happy enough to dry in the warm lounge
My longhaired used to tolerate the hairdryer well, although with a rather grumpy face... But my friend has an elderly ladypig who squeals like anything with the hairdryer and tries to run away from it! I suspect it may be the noise. She just gets kept in a towel on someones lap until she is dry.
She's so cute!
I'm sure she'll be fine with the heating on so it's not worth bothering her with the hairdryer again. My piggies actually don't mind the hairdryer. They make a bit of a fuss when it first gets turned on because they must get a fright. But after that they just sit and chill while I dry them.
Hair drying is really dangerous for pigs as you may over heat them with out noticing i recommend a towel dry and lots of hugs and cuddles :) x
It takes a while to get them used to it. I run it by the side of them first to get them used to the noise then put them on my lap and dry as you described with my hand in between and using cool/warm setting. They just have to get used to it so be firm, when they realise there are no options and you keep talking calmly to them, they are fine. They will take confidence from you, if you are nervous or worried they will sense this.

Mine now sit on my lap and wash and dry themselves whilst I actually dry them with the hair dryer. I have One who lies down and falls asleep while I do it! Just takes time to let them get confident.
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