Fire Works

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 15, 2016
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Hay guys. Just wondering the best thing to do regards to fire works. At the moment we have loads going off I have the girls inside at the moment they are curled up inside a tube at the moment nut just looking for advice on reassuring them x
its bad cos fireworks will be going off randomly all the time ! i was watching a debate about this the other day and they were saying it should be restricted to 4 nights a year as animals get really scared by them..... i would just say keep them inside for as long as you can so they feel safe ..
Next door have got friends over. they brought a dog with them, shut it in the house and they have been in the garden for 30mins out setting off fireworks whilst the bark hadn't stopped barking and whining. who does that!:cen:
Thank guys they seem OK now they are chomping in some carrot fingers crossed they stop soon.
Arrr that poor dog. Some people just don't have the brains they are born with. I really upsets me this time of year all this animals x
It's completely irresponsible and neighbours should have more thought for animals. I'm actually in a an area whereby we can't let fireworks off because of cattle so we're good, but nevertheless, the use of fireworks absolutely should be restricted.
Could hear fireworks last night on halloween, they seem to get earlier every year.
Could hear fireworks last night on halloween, they seem to get earlier every year.
Same here, this year! I'm imagining it'll only get worse leading up to the weekend, though my two didn't seem to notice them last night. The flat next door to mine is being renovated and at times it has sounded like they're knocking through. This IS loud for the girls, and although it doesn't deaden the noise much, I think they've felt safer when I've put a fleece over the cage, makes it feel a bit snugger. They're also quite used to telly and radio noises, so maybe turn that up slightly to mask any sudden bangs and pops?
Mine weren't so good when they were in their run last night but as soon as they went back to their cage they seemed fine. Kept giving them small bits of veg too rather than it all at the same time and I think this helped
Well to say it was bonfire night last night the way 1 if my piggies is squeaking is unreal. I have put the TV on and I'm sat at the run they are in. She is really loud but runs away when i go near her she wasn't this load last night the other one seems OK I don't know what to do for her x
I find it odd that the boys aren't scared, just a bit surprised. But while fireworks are fun, they could at least limit it somewhat. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, so many animals get freaked, it's cruel.
They was OK last night but tonight she's really loud bless her. I did mention it on facebook last night as the fire works were still being set off at 10.30 and I had my head bit of. Just said that I thought it was to late. It's a night mare x
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