Finding A New Friend For Peanut.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 17, 2015
Reaction score
North East England
Peanut lost her best friend Cookie on Tuesday night. I'm surprised that her behaviour is normal, she doesn't appear to be missing Cookie like I thought she would (poor Cookie!). Thankfully she's eating and drinking as normal. She's even out playing during floor time.

I am of course going to find her a new friend, and I'm going to a rescue centre at the weekend to try and adopt one. They've said I can take Peanut, to see if there are any pigs she prefers. They have 6 or so sows available. Do you have any advice about finding one that Peanut likes? I've read the Bonding threads, but I'd like to check if I'm doing the right thing by letting Peanut chose her new friend rather than me picking for her.
When I took my boar Max for dating, I let him choose his future companion(s) - after all, it was him who would be sharing with them.

I went to Milhaven . I know you are going to a different rescue and I know you can trust the person you are taking Peanut to to make sure she finds her ideal partner.
Hi, yes, we got one. There were 7 sows, we put Peanut in and she ran straight under the logs and sat with a white pig. Then we removed the logs, and everyone just sat there! I think Peanut was probably rather overwhelmed, and the other pigs were probably used to newcomers with being in a rescue so they all just sat there and did nothing :doh:

So I chose the youngest pig (6 months old, same as Peanut) who in fact turned out to be the one she'd ended up next to first. She's called Dilly. I'll add pics tonight. So far there have been no problems. We put the on the kitchen floor while I prepared their cage. Dilly was walking round and Peanut followed her, exactly like she did with Cookie. Then they sat together in the corner. In their cage they were both out playing, were eating together and sitting next to each other, so so far so good! Let's hope it continues :tu:
Oh - that's lovely news - I'm so pleased - for the 3 of you .
This is such fabulous news! :luv:
So sorry to hear about Cookie Jo :( It looks like a new friendship is blooming for Peanut, so far so good! Dilly is adorable :wub: Paws crossed everything works out for you all xx
She's beautiful. I love PEWs.
I must admit I've always preferred guinea pigs with crazy hair styles and dark eyes. I'd never have picked her if I was choosing two from scratch (sorry Dilly!) but she needed a forever home and she is actually very cute. Her little face makes me smile. She reminds me of a teddy bear in this one! 12002495_10156039218810587_7587623180519421966_o.webp
I think a lot of people tend not to go for them, I seem to have a soft spot, am on my third PEW - Emma. Dilly looks like she has a tiny bit of himi in her too, which a lot of PEWs do, my Maddie did.
Sooty would have been a good name for her :nod: My bf wanted to change her name but I've always been told it's unlucky to change somethings name.
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