Finally Here!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2017
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Hellooooo! I've been asking tons of questions round the forum to do with new piggies and they're finally home! I wanted to post a little photo so thought this would be the best place to do it :)

So, without further ado, I give to you, Florence and Lola!

They've only been home for about an hour so they're still hiding away but I'm sure they'll venture out soon :) It's their first time in a pair too, they're used to being around at least 4 others. I'm hoping they'll be out and about soon but I'm giving them their space for now :)

Thanks so much for the update.
It is lovely when people take the time to introduce their piggies.
And well done for giving them some space - I know how hard it is when all you want to do is take photos and cuddle them.
They're so tiny at the moment! I've had a little stroke but they're not budging from their hiding spot at the moment so I don't want to disturb them, that's easier said than done! They've got plenty of hay and hides to keep them occupied when they eventually come out and they've got some water on the go as well so hopefully they'll have a nose around and figure out where everything is!
Beautiful little girls!

Congratulations on your new guinea pigs!
I hope they stay happy and healthy for a vry long time to come!
Awww bless them. So cute.

They will take a little while to get used to their new surrounding but before you know it they will be at the bars squeaking at you for food and then it never stops! :)
Hello Fern and Lola. Beautiful girls. Hope they settle in quickly and look forward to seeing loads of photos as they grow up.
Florence (the blonde one) has come out to explore, she's taken some veg from me and then dived into the hay box and hasn't moved since. Lola (the brown one) is absolutely petrified and won't take any veg or even come out for it yet, funny because at the breeder she seemed like the bravest. Hopefully her sister will show her that it isn't too scary
Welcome to Florence and Lola! Once they have got used to all the new smells and noises they will soon coming out of hiding! . Like @Eileen's Mum said soon they will be asking for food and you won't be able to shut them up! Remember when you are a prey animal any change of scene is really scary!:yikes::yikes: You just need to teach them that you aren't a predator and you won't eat them!:D
Welcome to Florence and Lola! Once they have got used to all the new smells and noises they will soon coming out of hiding! . Like @Eileen's Mum said soon they will be asking for food and you won't be able to shut them up! Remember when you are a prey animal any change of scene is really scary!:yikes::yikes: You just need to teach them that you aren't a predator and you won't eat them!:D

I keep telling myself that every time I think they don't like it. First time away from mum is scary (even for people, moving to uni was tough!) And on top of that they've got new smells and big figures looming over their cage. It's so hard to leave them be when they're so adorable but I know grabbing them and annoying them won't do any good!
What a pair of cuties :love: they will grow in confidence, it just takes time, patience, and a lot of TLC x
  • Hello Guys. Human and Piggies. lovely to share on their early New home and bonding. I imagine theirs lots going on. I'm sure they will settle and have great home. well done. x.
Congratulations! Florence and Lola are sooooooooooooooo :drool:

Sounds like they are settling well! Please keep us updated
They're getting a bit braver, they'll take veg from my hand and I can stroke them a bit. I'm just sitting by their cage every day and chatting to them haha. I'm going away tonight until Sunday afternoon so my boyfriend is doing dad duties and then on Monday I might start seeing if they want to be handled but we'll see, I just want cuddles haha
So just a tiny little update because they seem to have come on so much within the last couple of days. I went away and when I came back it seemed like they genuinely missed me! Lola keeps jumping (pop corning?) and today they took some veggies from my hand (we're working up to off the palm) and then they came out and ate all their veggies in front of me! They're getting braver because today I found poop in their run area and there hasn't been any before so someone has been exploring :)

We're slowly figuring out which veg we like, we love curly kale to the point of foraging all of it before starting on the coriander and watercress. Not a massive fan of cucumber (they only ate the dark green outside part) and a no to green cabbage and yellow pepper. Only one of them likes carrots and like I said, they'd much rather have, although I need to find something else I love because kale can't be given all the time can it?

I'm trying to find 3-7 veggies they like so we can have a little meal plan and hopefully soon they'll be confident enough to let me stroke them without freezing and then I'll have to battle the picking up phase! They've come on so much in the last few days that I'm feeling a lot better about them hating me (I'm so impatient!) :)
Hello guys. oh lovely update. seems like everyone is settling in. poop in area not normal. oh yes someone's been on tour. big hugs all round. xx. more piccys x