Finally Have A Lawn!


Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
OH has deemed the back lawn (finally) suitable for pig habitation so out they went! It's still a bit sparse and I'm not allowed to put them out too often this summer to allow it to establish fully, but it made me very happy to see them out there!
Can just make out Rey in the box and Chewie behind. BB was camera shy and is inside the box

They will love being able to go out, mine have got into a routine now and sulk when the weather's not suitable! Beautiful garden by the way, someone has been busy.
They will love being able to go out, mine have got into a routine now and sulk when the weather's not suitable! Beautiful garden by the way, someone has been busy.
Thank you. We've been here two years - it's taken that long to get it where it is and we're not finished! That sleeper retaining wall nearly killed us!
It's nice once your lawn is well established, it takes a lot of work to keep it in good condition but it's worth it. ;)

It's nice once your lawn is well established, it takes a lot of work to keep it in good condition but it's worth it. ;)

Oh your's looks lovely! When I had pigs before we had a massive lawn that was really heathy and grew like anything, really looking forward to having a proper lawn again, albeit rather smaller!
Happy piggies! :yahoo:You have such an amazing garden and playpen! They must love it. My piggies want to come visit! :))
And what a beautiful lawn! Always loved houses with gardens :wub:
They will adore you even more after this! x
Looking great! A nice garden and lawn for your lucky piggies
And what a beautiful lawn! Always loved houses with gardens :wub:
They will adore you even more after this! x
I'm not sure they adore me at all! I bring food, remove poo and cut claws. That is all and they'd rather I didn't do the last one thank you very much! But they were all popcorning like nutters this evening in their cage, so I must be doing something right!
I think I have lawn envy! Mine is looking over grazed, lumpy, and a bit brown. i can see why your OH wants to limit the piggies' grass time:lol: