Finally got my baby guinea pig and now in the process of bonding them

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New Born Pup
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
Kent, UK
So I brought home my baby male guinea pig and introduced him to my adult male guinea pig. When they first met each other the adult was rumbling and trying to hump the baby. They are eating side by side but every so often the adult will rumble. They have only been in their neutral area for about 1 hour but just wondering if this behavior is normal? How long does it take for them to bond? The good thing is that they are not biting or anything, but could a fight break out at any second? Or do you think they are fine now and will just have a little argy bargy every so often and eventually settle down?

thanks :)
The rumbling and humping are quite normal but please keep them under supervision for a while before leaving them together. There may also be teeth grinding which could mean a possible fight but the young boar should naturally back down so that the old boar wouldn't attack. There'll also be a little chasing around. Generally as long as they have plenty of food they should settle down but separate them if there's any blood drawn. Good Luck with the bonding, it seems to be going well so far.
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