Filtered water from fridge?


Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 6, 2019
Reaction score
Somerset UK
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely weather! Trying to keep my piggies as cool and comfortable as possible... I read up on the heat management thread (as I do every year when it starts to get warm! 🤣) and it said about giving piggies cool water and that you can also use crushed iced additionally as well.

I have placed my filter jug in the fridge and the piggies have been drinking from it when I’ve topped their bottles up but I’ve suddenly wondered whether they can get bloat from drinking the cool water like they can from too cold veggies? If so I won’t put it in the fridge again!

Thanks in advance!
We always keep our britta filter in the fridge and don’t have any issues, I’m sure I once read that piggies like cold water... don’t quote me in that though!
Thanks @rp1993 ! I thought they could too but saw some people on the forum posting to not have it cold from the fridge as well! Don’t want any unnecessary vet trips 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣
I noticed that 3 of my pigs won’t drink water from the fridge until it’s ‘warmed up’, but one drinks loads more when it’s cold, so we keep a bottle in the fridge for Cashew and replace his bottle with cold water throughout the day, and the others drink room temp :) never had any issues with bloating for Cashew!
My water bottles are filled from our water dispenser fridge which is filtered water once a day (twice if its really warm) ... which is cold.. I guess some like it fresh and cold.. others like it warmer