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HI all
As some know I only got my piggies Saturday. They seem to be having disagreements. They make a noise like a vibrating noise and then have a little scrap. Is this normal behaviour for them.
Sorry about my explanation, hope you understand :)
If they are having little disagreements then I wouldn't worry too much. Guinea pigs have a social structure when living in pairs/groups so they need to figure out who is boss. As long as they are not being actually aggressive to each other then leave them to it and they will sort it out for themselves. Are they boys or girls? I have only ever had girls but my understanding is that on the whole boys can be a bit more volatile than girls.

By aggressive I mean serious biting (rather than nipping), drawing blood, lots of teeth chattering, showing teeth (yawning).... That sort of thing.
trance said:
HI all
As some know I only got my piggies Saturday. They seem to be having disagreements. They make a noise like a vibrating noise and then have a little scrap. Is this normal behaviour for them.
Sorry about my explanation, hope you understand :)
Hi I'm having the same problems how long should it take to sort out who's going to be the boss. i have a 13 and 7 week boar piggies and they have been together for a week and a half.
They were getting on fine just with small disagreements, but last night it went on for about a hour but with on serious fighting just nipping and the older one humping.
They were fine again is morning.
The small one seems to challenge quiet a bit.

Hope you can help
Mine are still arguing about it and they are 12 and 13 months ;)
I have a 5wk old and a 9wk old and the same thing is happening, its the 5wk old doing all the rumbling! hes very big boy! They have calmed a bit to what they were, but if I watch them a lot of it includes popcorning and playing too! They seem to be playing chase, it usually happens when I put new hay in. They rumble on and off all day at each other even through the night but if I rush to the cage to look at them they are opposite ends! So keep an eye on them but I think its a dominance thing and they're having a little play - they are babies!

I also have a 4yr old with a 6 week old and aagain its the baby doing all the rumbling, the 4yr old just looks at him and walks away! can't be bothered.

Providing no blood is drawn they so be ok - I check ears everyday for missing bits too! So far still same shape!
The same thing happens with my piggies when one enters the hideout.
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