
The Chipmunks

New Born Pup
May 24, 2018
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I bought three male guinea pigs at the beginning of January 2018, it was not the plan as I went in to buy two but left with three because I did not have it in me to leave the third behind. I named them Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. However, I soon noticed that there was something wrong with Alvin and I took all three back to the store to find out what was wrong. It was ringworm. I had to obviously treat all three of them for it. However, after a few days of treatment, Alvin lost movement in this front legs. I rushed him back to the vets and have to give him a course of many different medicines as well as feeding him every two hours. He bounced back amazingly quickly. I always made sure I gave each of them the same amount of attention and love but over the past few months, Alvin and Simon have become more violent towards Theodore. I have been treating his wounds as you do but it the fighting is not subsiding. Alvin, in particular, has been stopping Theodore from eating so I have had no choice but to feed him separately. I am trying to be patient with them hoping they will settle down but I am worried about the amount of harm that Theodore has come to. I would separate them but they already have a large cage and I do not have the room to have a second one. I don't want to have to rehome them (I have a sanctuary nearby) as I love them so much I just want them to be happy and not fight. Can anyone help?
I bought three male guinea pigs at the beginning of January 2018, it was not the plan as I went in to buy two but left with three because I did not have it in me to leave the third behind. I named them Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. However, I soon noticed that there was something wrong with Alvin and I took all three back to the store to find out what was wrong. It was ringworm. I had to obviously treat all three of them for it. However, after a few days of treatment, Alvin lost movement in this front legs. I rushed him back to the vets and have to give him a course of many different medicines as well as feeding him every two hours. He bounced back amazingly quickly. I always made sure I gave each of them the same amount of attention and love but over the past few months, Alvin and Simon have become more violent towards Theodore. I have been treating his wounds as you do but it the fighting is not subsiding. Alvin, in particular, has been stopping Theodore from eating so I have had no choice but to feed him separately. I am trying to be patient with them hoping they will settle down but I am worried about the amount of harm that Theodore has come to. I would separate them but they already have a large cage and I do not have the room to have a second one. I don't want to have to rehome them (I have a sanctuary nearby) as I love them so much I just want them to be happy and not fight. Can anyone help?

Hi and welcome!

Unfortunately, baby boar trios have around a 90% fall-out rate during the teenage months before they reach a hormonally more settled adulthood. It is difficult enough with a same age boar pair (although more pairs make it than not), but with trios the outsider scenario - whether that is one boar waging war on the other two or two ganging up on the third - is aggravating any issues majorly. Your boys are currently coming up to the stage where testosterone output is at an all times high.

I would strongly recommend to split Theodore off and to find him a gentle adult boarmate at a rescue where Theodore can choose himself who he likes best and wants to get on with.

Shops and their supply mass breeders currently struggle badly with eliminating ringworm, as spores can stay live for up to 18 months and they are shed in thousands during an acute outbreak. It takes a level of hygiene and discipline that is hard for them to achieve considering that their aim is to produce babies and run a shop as cheaply as possible. :(

Please take the time to very carefully read these guides here:
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Ringworm: Hygiene And Pictures

Unfortunately without knowing which country/part of the country you are in, we cannot help you with more pertinent recommendations. We have members and enquiries from all over the world. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to account details and scroll down to location to add your country, state/province or UK county in order to make it appear with every post of yours and to allow us to tailor any advice to what is relevant and available where you are straight away. Thank you!