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Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
weymouth, dorset
hi this might sound like a stupid question but does the type of bedding you use affect your guineas behavior? I recently switched to fleece bedding but my two girls started to fight alot more than usual and were constantly chasing each other and mounting so much it got to the point where i thought i might have to split them up.Anyway i've now switched them back to their old bedding of newspaper, shavings and a layer of hay on top and they seem to be getting on alot better so i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
i havent experienced this but for a few days every few weeks my two girls go into heat and chase eachother and mount, it could have just been a coincidence that they were in heat when you swapped to fleece? x
I had them on fleece for about a week so i'm not sure if it's cos they were on heat or not, they still bicker now but without all the mounting thankfully! :)
Yes my girls are terrible for bickering ::) if yours are only a few months they will probably settle down by the time they're adults, mine are definately going through the terrible teens!
Mine are now three years old now so i don't think they will ever stop, they have a seperate house each but always seem to fight over the same one! ;D
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