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Mocha & Simon

New Born Pup
May 16, 2017
Reaction score
So my pair of male guinea pigs are fighting. I cleaned them out about 2 hours ago and they haven't stopped fighting since, I kept the cage in the same setup as in all the things were in the same places, i added extra entrances to the houses but it's not helping, they're tussling and Simon (dominant pig) is humping mocha way too much and i know it's normal but its rather aggressive. Simon is chasing mocha around the cage non stop, they're chattering, nipping, squabbling and squealing but no blood or marks is on either pig. Oh and they're rumble strutting. I don't want to separate them because that means rehoming one, please help
How old Mocha and Simon? Did they fight much before?

I'm not sure of their age but I got the from a pet shop three weeks ago and when i got the they had just come out of quarantine, the only humped each other before not as bad as now but they do seem to be calming down
If they are going through the teenage phase they could be trying to decide who the dominant pig is.
It could be one of there hormones going mad. First off change everything in there cage around to distract them. With my boys they chased each other around for 2 days solid if it doesn't let up, put a grid between them. So they are both on separate sides. Make sure they can see & hear each other. After a day try them back together. You may have to try this 2-3 times. At the end though you may have to declare it a failure though.
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