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New Born Pup
Aug 23, 2015
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Hey guys this is my first post on this site. I recently adopted three guinea pigs turns out two were female and one was a male. So now I have three babies. I needed to get them a bigger cage so I got a rabbit hutch for the five of them. They all got along or at least the two parents did. There was some issues between the babies and mothers but nothing serious, but when I had switched them to a bigger cage the two moms went at it, and I had to separate them. Is it just because they could be scared of their new environment? Should I try and see if they could ever get along again or should I never try it again?
First I would suggest separating the male(s) fro, the females as you don't want any more babies! I have never had girls so can't really help but there are others on here with plenty of experience that will be along to give you the correct advice soon :-)

I think it would depend on how serious a fight was as to trying again or not, but I'll leave it to the experts to help you as I don't really know!
I did that the minute I realized. Lucky there was no male babies.
Also the fight wasn't too serious just something I've never seen before. Normally the two are pushy towards the babies and not each other, I figured it was just getting cramped. The two adults fought over an igloo. I had given them a bath together and put them in their old cage and they ate hay together, once I put them in the cage with the babies again they started being even more pushy towards the little ones, and they started teeth chattering till one ran down the other level where they've just been staying away from each other.
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