Fighting Piggies - Advice Pls !

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alex may

New Born Pup
Sep 12, 2014
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Hello everyone. I wrote a post on here early last year asking for some advice regarding my two boys - alittle background info - we bought our boys Mo & Benny as babies from the pet shop and they where inseparable (this was back in February last year)
we moved home in June, and mid July I noticed one of my boys (Benny) had began to get a lot of wounds to his back and face - to the point where I had to take him to the vets. I witnessed them in a full on scrap which I had to separate & got to the point of diving my c&c cage - I live in an apartment and don't have a lot of space for their own separate cages, and all I've managed to do is split their cage directly in half, which I'll admit, does not leave them a lot of room. However they have their own house, toy, food bowl etc.

Since their separation I have been slowly reintroducing them threw 'lap time' - sometimes it's successful with no teeth chattering or signs of aggression, others its horrid, full on trying to fight while being on my lap.
However the strange part it, when they are in their cages, which is divided by a c&c grid which is totally see through and open, they touch noses, squeak at each other and lay side by side. But as soon as the divider is raised they go nuts!

I was adviced previously to clean out the cages and then bath the boys together and then reintroduce - I tried this on Monday (3 days ago) and they just wouldn't settle. Moses (who I think is the big boss man) would not let Benny near him, and in all honesty, Benny was showing no signs of anger - just curiosity. But Moses would run around, teeth chattering and spraying his sent EVERYWHERE. they managed for about an hour before another huge scrap broke out which meant Bennys fur was pulled out - obviously I put the divider back straight away. And have been a separated since.

It upsets me, as a previous owner of piggies growing up, ive never seen such horrid behaviour, and we even bought them a brand new huge cage to try and get them friends again...what a waste of money!
I see so many people with happy piggies, who have a friend and who don't have to separate them. My boys have always been very shy and not like piggies I've had before, and it's making my highly considering giving them away and starting fresh, as much as I love them, as they really haven't bonded with each other or me!

Help ):

- a very distressed and unhappy piggies owner
I am sorry to hear this. It has happened to my 2 boys as well. They now live in a 2x3 c&c each joined together so they can see each other. It must just be a clash of personalities, as I thinking are both dominant too. As for the shyness sometimes it takes a while to gain their trust. I have had my 2 for 7 months and only now are they beginning to slowly trust me. If you can't cope with the fallen out boars then you could always re home one and take the remaining boy boar dating. Good luck and please don't give up as when they start trusting you it's so rewarding.
Thanks for your reply, my cage is the same set up as yours except it is a grid smaller - which is why I have my concerns that they don't have enough space. I think your right about the personalities - they are both dominant and stubborn, I guess it only became apparent once they started to become hormonal.
It's strange as one trusts us more than the other - Moses is very much a stubborn fat boy - he can bite too. And never settles when holding him -but we handle his as often as Benny so that its fair. Benny however is the opposite, he loves to lick and settles down almost instantly when holding him. I know as an owner I shouldn't have favourites, but I'm scared Moses isn't happy. They both relax in their cages and popcorn occasionally, but I worry that if I rehome Moses he wouldn't make a good pet to someone else due to his moody lad like nature ):
It sounds to me as though you have tried everything and unfortunately they are just not compatible. The best thing you could do is use the rescue located at the top of the page on the tool bar to find your nearest reputable rescue and ask for help.

Your options are to hand one into rescue and try the other boar dating or you can have both neutered and find a wife pig for them each. As you have a c&c would it be possible to build another cage on top so it's not taking up more space ?
I am very sorry that your boys just won't get on despite your best efforts! You are sadly in very good company; it has happened to a goodly number of our members! Guinea pigs, for their need to have company of their own kind, are very picky about who they want to get on with, boys as well as sows! :mal:

With the right vet, you might like to consider neutering your boys, so they can live with a sow each after the necessary 6 weeks post op safety wait. Cross gender bonds are the most stable of all guinea pig bondings with virtually no fall-outs once initial acceptance has happened; for that, again dating at a rescue would be best - if piggies can choose each other, that is the battle won! :)
PS: it is vital that you find either a general vet that is very experienced in piggy neutering (usual for a rescue) or a specialist small furries vet with plenty of practice in operating on small animals in order to minimise any risks, especially of post-op complications. I have got the surprise baby from a supposedly sae over 5 weeks post op boar (not one of mine), just to make the point about why 6 weeks for 100% safety.

If you can modify your C&C setup to a double-decker 2x4, both pairs will have ample space. I use a linnmon 75x150cm table from Ikea to house my upstairs cable tied C&C cages. It nicely fits into the bottom cage. I lift the table with my shoulder a tiny bit when cleaning, so I don't have to move it out.


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Thank you to all of you for you replies - I'm greatly appreciating it all.

My question is for wiebke - both my boys are about a year old, would I need to adopt a female around the same age (this is probably a very stupid question) and I'm alittle unsure where my closest adaption centre is apart from places such as pets at home? Or could I risk finding a female and bringing her home? I'm desperate for my boys to be happy and only prepared to expand and create a better home when we have them settled and with a mate, thanks again for all your help.
Thank you to all of you for you replies - I'm greatly appreciating it all.

My question is for wiebke - both my boys are about a year old, would I need to adopt a female around the same age (this is probably a very stupid question) and I'm alittle unsure where my closest adaption centre is apart from places such as pets at home? Or could I risk finding a female and bringing her home? I'm desperate for my boys to be happy and only prepared to expand and create a better home when we have them settled and with a mate, thanks again for all your help.

Age is much less relevant in cross gender bondings than mutual liking. My various "husboars" live happily with sows that are three years younger or older than them. In guinea pig society, a core group of usually related sows of a range of ages will live with a boar of their liking - it is them who make the ultimate choice, not the boar. By dating at a rescue, you kind of mimic this and let the piggies decide whether they want to get on. This makes for a much happier and stable relationship. ;) I would not recommend to just bring a sow home; all the risks like an undisclosed/not yet visible pregnancy, illness and compatibility are fully on your side.
Your closest recommended piggy savvy rescues with mandatory quarantine, pregnancy watch and dating at the rescue would be Rainbow Rescue in Southport or Milhaven Rescue in Keighley. In either case you will be in safe hands. Make it a day out! :) or

Next to our rescue locator, we also have got a piggy savvy vet locator on the top bar.

PS: Guinea pigs travel much better than people think. Here our travelling tips:
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