fighting guinaepigs

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my daughter has had her 2 guinaepigs for 1 year they have both in the cage together and been okay they have had a few fights but nothing to serious. But today ive gone to feed them because my daughter was at a birthday party and i noticed that the one guingaepig hair all up on end has i went to stoke hime he moved and he turned around that when i seen the blood on him. ive have separtated them but not sure if i should put them back together or not, the wound looks quite bad when i tired to have a look he made the whimpery sound like a dog would do. please advise the best thing to do thank you miss winters
if theyve got to the drawing blood stage, id keep them bad is the wound? wherabouts on the body?
the wound is by the back part of the leg he was lying down with leg spread out and head on the side but he will not let me have a look. iv tried to put them back together but they started to chatter really loud and hair on end
Sadly once blood has been drawn it is rare for them to go back together. I would keep them apart for now and try and introduce slowly on neutral ground. The Barmy4boars website has lots of tips on re-introducing.

I've had this two with my 2 boars and sadly they never did go back together but are not happy living with babes. :)

Welcome to the forum. :)
thank you for your time and advice my daughter will be sad that they cant go back together but happy that they wont fight again. she gets quite upset over this sort of thing. ::)
Bless her, my daughter is the same. They can live side by side I did that with Sunshine and Twinkle for a while so they could still see each other just not pull one anothers fur out! :)
I have 2 brothers who just hate the sight of each other. If they were together I`m sure they would fight to the death. I cant see them ever getting together so they are separate in outside runs. They snarl thru the wire - what a carry on !

Anders :)
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