Fighting brother boars

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I have 3 rescue boars who are brothers. At about 14 weeks of age one started to bully the other two. The only solution was to separate him.

They have lots of outdoor space in a run with a hutch to retire too when cold or tired. So the problem is not caused by a confined space. Quite often when boars fight there is too small a space in their cage - just like cabin fever. So can you blame them?

Now the two brothers don`t get along so I`ve had to separate them also. Three brother boars in three cages - how rediculous is that?

Its a nuisance having to separate them but nuetoring is not the answer and it will NOT stop agressive behavoiur and mounting anything that moves. Its also a very risky operation. I`ve heard 1 in 5 die on the op table. These odds are too high for my piggies.

Their agresiveness is probably due to having their sisters in a run next to them. The boars probably become agressive due to smelling and seeing the sows when they are in season thru the wire. I hope the boys settle down as they get older but somehow i think not.

I was able to team up a much younger (rescue) boar pup with one of the boars. They love each other to bits and get along great. I hope they don`t fall out when the little one gets older.

I`m making more room this weekend in another shed to accomodate the separted boars. They`ll have separate runs too so what a polava. What lucky piggies. I`m hoping being away from the sows their their hormones will settle down and they`ll be able to get along together in a few weeks time.

Anyone heard of bromide for boar GP`s ? - joke. If anyone knows of a solution I`d appreciate your ideas.
I suppose like people some sibling guineas just don't get on. I have many pairs on boars living happily in sight and smell of girls but trios one (who had a 6ft by 2ft hutch) broke down in a huge scrap resulting in a castration (by a very experienced vet) of the oldest boar and the seperating of the two brothers. I have the Dad to these two and they are all single piggys. They are highly aggressive with other males and for rex that is odd.
DAP (dpg appeasing pheremone spray) can help calm fighting boars but I a yet to try it with these three as the moment they smell or are near another boar they chatter in a way which would be an excellent sound effect for a horror movie and look quite insane! I hope to find them a friend when they are [ast the 6 month hump but their dad is over 2 always lives alone before I had him except from lady visits and is prone to respiritory problems so would not consider castrating him.
DAP spray is the only bromide for guineas i have heard of. O0 will def be using it whan the younger boys meet new prospective pals in the future
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