Fighting Boars!


New Born Pup
Feb 27, 2024
Reaction score
West Sussex, United Kingdom
Hi all!

I am a new Guinea pig owner and new to the forum (so I might be doing this all wrong!). I have had my pair of boar brothers, Gus and Arlo, since September. They are now 6 or 7 months old and over the last 2 nights some extreme dominance behaviours seem to have come out of nowhere!

(Just to note, Gus and Arlo both have plenty of hidey/bed areas all with multiple exits, 2 x feed bowls, 2 x water bottles and 2 x hay feeders and have free roam of our living room with lots of areas designated just for them, so they have A LOT of space!)

The two of them have lived harmoniously and been absolutely inseparable, until yesterday! Arlo has always been the dominant piggy but until now the only real “dominance” type behaviours I’ve seen the two of them do is a little bit of rumble strutting and Arlo humping Gus, which normally lasts seconds and is over before they both will happily popcorn off and then go into their preferred hidey to sleep (together!).

Since yesterday Gus seems to have decided to take on the dominant role, and it seems as though Arlo is submitting to that - he is letting Gus hump him and is just sitting pretty still and squealing. But Gus is incessant - he just will not leave him alone and it seems to just be pushing Arlo too far, to the point he is fighting back (I think through exhaustion and frustration).

This lasted only about an hour yesterday evening before they seemed to sort it out between them, but this evening it’s getting on 5 hours and it’s been constant - Gus just will not leave him alone. (I will say though if Gus walks away… Arlo follows him! So he may not be doing himself any favours there, bless him! But I figured he can’t be too scared/upset as he just seems to follow/chase after Gus and set the whole pattern off again?!)

As an anxious piggy mum I have been watching them intently for 5 hours terrified they might hurt eachother and have picked them up a few times just to double check they aren’t doing eachother any harm and neither one of them has even a scratch on them - despite what has turned into what looked and sounded like a couple of quite fearce scuffles (teeth chattering/standing on back legs/lunging at eachother). They both seem absolutely fine!

After 4 hours tonight I decided enough was enough and seperated them with a C&C cage barrier and they just seemed even more stressed to be seperated! I thought Arlo may appreciate the break from Gus but both paced up and down the barrier wheeking at eachother and furiously bit at the cage bars for over half an hour before I decided it seemed to just be stressing them out more - but they just went straight back to squabbling again!

I just don’t know what to do with them. This has gone on for hours this evening and now, finally, at 11:30pm they seem to have settled!

Will this be temporary maybe given it’s spring plus the hormone spikes boars get at this age? Should I just leave them to it and let them work it out? If Arlo seems to be submitting to Gus’ newfound dominance, why is he still continuing to terrorise poor Arlo?!

It’s so hard to watch especially when the squealing is just so loud and sounds like they are in pain!

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Hannah - a very stressed piggy mum! X
I'm sorry, I don't know how to link. If you look on the guinea pig info guide you will find a section on boars and their behaviours. I'm not one of the experts but it sounds like it's a spring hormone spike. I have a boar pair who are young adults and on occasion they have convinced me that their bond is in danger!
Hi, these are the guides you'll want to read through

Thread 'Bonds In Trouble' Bonds In Trouble

Thread 'Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?' Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

But my lads have been full of Spring fever recently too. They're still together, and have stopped yelling so much, but it's been a long couple of weeks of it.
Are they the boys in the avatar picture, they are gorgeous 😍
How are they today?
Thank you both so much - I’ve read through those threads, that’s really helpful. Am hoping it’s just a hormone spike and they’ll stop soon! My absolute fear is that the bond is broken and they need to be seperated permanently 😔

Yes it is the two little angels in my avatar! They are very cute - Gus is the buff coloured boy and Arlo is the white one.

They were still squabbling at 7:30 this morning but they seem to both have waved the white flag now and are flat out asleep together in their favourite little hidey!

They do normally tend to wake up and have a run round in the evenings though… around 6pm ish so am hoping they are both a bit calmer when they wake up properly.

Fingers crossed!
I've just had a riot in the cage, lots of yelling and bouncing and then one stood on a bed and fell off it :)) it sounds quite stressful and if you weren't used to it you'd be forgiven for not knowing what's happening - but an all out fight, you'd know about it. If one pig was getting too stressed and is happier at being separated that's one thing and it's a sign they're better off as neighbours but from what you've said, I don't think you're at that point either.
The thing with them both being the same age of course means they are both going through hormones at the same time!

If behaviour remains within the green zone of the guide below then the not to step in.
Things don’t sound too bad from what you’ve said.

I have four boys. Two are a 6 year old bonded pair, the other two are an 18 month old separated pair (they did have a bond breaking fight as young teenagers and have lived separately for just over a year now). I remember my oldest two getting a bit spring feverish and things getting a bit tense, it didn’t coincide with them being teenagers though.

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
I agree, I had a bond break with my original pair and it was unmistakable. A few months ago my boys spent 2 days convincing me that the end was nigh! Reading the bonds in trouble thread repeatedly was very reassuring.
To be completely honest, some of the behaviour yesterday was definitely in the orange zone (would start with humping and rumbling and seemed to escalate a few times to raising up on to back legs/baring teeth/lunging) but it was just how constant it was from 6:30pm… it was around 1:30am I had to give up watching to make sure they weren’t hurting eachother and go to bed!

I hadn’t thought about them both being the same age and going through the same hormone spikes at the same time! That’s a really good point!

It’s the squealing like they are pain it’s so hard to watch/hear! I’m hoping they are calmer this evening but will keep everyone posted! They were arguably both more stressed when I seperated them yesterday and were both very clearly trying to find a way back to each other so am hoping that’s a good sign that neither one of them was clearly happier apart!
Something to keep an eye on.
Squealing can be submission and as long as one is submitting then that’s a good thing.
The issue comes if it tips over and gets to much and the submitting piggy then has enough and fights back.

It’s not always a straightforward explanation - two boys who want to fight each other will want to get back together. So while it is a sign that a bond is failing when separated if one appears happier, to be away, it’s also about their reaction when put back on neutral territory following a separation.

My two boys, who did have a fight, were initially constantly going frantic at the bars dividing them. It was most definitely not a sign they missed each other - it was they they wanted to fight each other again.
Something to keep an eye on.
Squealing can be submission and as long as one is submitting then that’s a good thing.
The issue comes if it tips over and gets to much and the submitting piggy then has enough and fights back.

It’s not always a straightforward explanation - two boys who want to fight each other will want to get back together. So while it is a sign that a bond is failing when separated if one appears happier, to be away, it’s also about their reaction when put back on neutral territory following a separation.

My two boys, who did have a fight, were initially constantly going frantic at the bars dividing them. It was most definitely not a sign they missed each other - it was they they wanted to fight each other again.
Ok… likely not good news then cause that’s exactly what they were doing. Furiously biting at the cage to get back to eachother and as soon as I let them out they started again immediately 😔

So stressful, just want them to have a happy life bless them.
Ok… likely not good news then cause that’s exactly what they were doing. Furiously biting at the cage to get back to eachother and as soon as I let them out they started again immediately 😔

So stressful, just want them to have a happy life bless them.

If they aren’t actually fighting then you do just need to leave them to it, keep an eye and have a plan but don’t step in too soon (it causes an increase in dominance when you reintroduce so you do more harm than good if you step in too much or too soon)
Ok, thanks that makes sense.

In terms of a plan, if it does escalate anymore (assume that’s the point they are really fighting/biting/physically hurting eachother?) do I seperate them away from eachother where they can’t see eachother for a few hours to see if they calm down? Or keep them next to eachother? Or longer - a day or two? Or permanently? Or can I try moving them somewhere totally different together so they are on neutral territory to see if they calm down that way?

Sorry for all the questions 😟 I’ve read a couple of different solutions and just keen not to do anything that’s going to make it worse!

Thanks again for all your help, comments and suggestions. I’m really grateful! This is a fab forum!
Don’t be sorry for asking questions - we are here to help.

In the case of a full bond breaking fight, then its immediate and permanent separation. They stay next to each other but don’t attempt reintroduction (a fight is most likely occur again if you attempt it).
A full fight is sadly the end but they still need to be able to interact between the bars to avoid loneliness.
The submission squealing can sound really distressing to us. However I have witnessed my submissive boy, Mischievous Master Boris, do it with utterly relaxed body language on many occasions. So it's clear that it isn't stressful for them.
I am pleased to report, after 2 nights of squabbles (that started at precisely 6:30pm both nights!) it is now 7:50pm and I have two very calm very happy piggies!

It seems normality has resumed, they aren’t even rumbling or humping… nothing. Back to their normal selves, waddling around, munching on hay etc. I am so relieved 😅

Will keep everything crossed that was just a hormone spike and hopefully they’ll make it through the rest of their teens smooth sailing (🤞)

Thanks again for all of the help and advice 🙏
Dignified Sir George has humping toys that he enjoys on occasion when he's having a particularly rumbley,/humpy dayIMG20240111151825.webp. They can't run away like Master Boris does. He likes to gather them into a corner where they get groomed and used as pillows too!
Dignified Sir George has humping toys that he enjoys on occasion when he's having a particularly rumbley,/humpy dayView attachment 242765. They can't run away like Master Boris does. He likes to gather them into a corner where they get groomed and used as pillows too!
Ohhh I read this was a good idea and thought about putting some toys in?! I’m going to do it now!

PS he is so so cute 🥰
I really hope you don't have to separate them and they come through the teenage stage with their bond intact. It's not the end of the world though if they do have to become bar buddies. I've got 2 pairs of boars living divided and once they settle down they are so funny entertaining each other and chatting at the fence!
I'd love to see a photo of your boys, they look gorgeous in your avatar picture. One of them looks a lot like my Duck (yes that is a guinea pig) he came to me with that name from rescue and as he answers to it I didn't have the heart to change it.
Yeah, I’m sure whatever happens they will both be fine and happy! They have been calm as anything all week now, they are like totally different guinea pigs.

I LOVE the name Duck! I almost went with the names Bug and Rhino for my two 😅 I think animal names are so cute.

Here’s some pics. Gus Gus is like mini Godzilla, and will destroy everything in his path. I think he thinks he is 10x his actual size, he has such a funny personality. He’s the much braver more adventurous out of the two.

And that’s little Arlo hiding in his hay. He loves to be IN hay - he can’t just eat it, he has to be in it! He’s a shy little guy but he is such a little angel. IMG_1511.webpIMG_1512.webp
Amazing how they can have such individual personalities isn't it!