Gus & Rufus
New Born Pup
I originally adopted two boars when they were around 10 weeks of age, they had aways lived together and had been quite happy. However, about 9 months ago I rescued two more boars, these two boars had also always been housed together and got on well. When I rescued Pesto and Peanut, they were housed seperatly from my original two (Gus and Rufus) but they could still see each other from their hutches. Around two months ago I noticed that Gus and Rufus were starting to show quite dominating behaviour towards each other and so I started doing things such as bathing them together, I gave them two of everything so they had nothing to fight over, I extended their hutch so they had more room, however it got worse and eventually they had to be seperated as they had a nasty fight. Since being seperated Gus is really happy, he loves his new hutch, he is a lot less introverted and is back to his super friendly self, however, Rufus seems very unhappy, he spends a lot of time in his hideys and seems to have got extremely nervous, he isnt as vocal as he used to be and just doesnt seem himself. I attempted to introduce him to my other two boars over a peiod of time but they just fought instantly. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to cheer him up?