Fighting Boars

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Gus & Rufus

New Born Pup
Sep 8, 2014
Reaction score
Sudbury, Suffolk UK
I originally adopted two boars when they were around 10 weeks of age, they had aways lived together and had been quite happy. However, about 9 months ago I rescued two more boars, these two boars had also always been housed together and got on well. When I rescued Pesto and Peanut, they were housed seperatly from my original two (Gus and Rufus) but they could still see each other from their hutches. Around two months ago I noticed that Gus and Rufus were starting to show quite dominating behaviour towards each other and so I started doing things such as bathing them together, I gave them two of everything so they had nothing to fight over, I extended their hutch so they had more room, however it got worse and eventually they had to be seperated as they had a nasty fight. Since being seperated Gus is really happy, he loves his new hutch, he is a lot less introverted and is back to his super friendly self, however, Rufus seems very unhappy, he spends a lot of time in his hideys and seems to have got extremely nervous, he isnt as vocal as he used to be and just doesnt seem himself. I attempted to introduce him to my other two boars over a peiod of time but they just fought instantly. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to cheer him up?
Can Gus and Rufus still see each other? Sometimes even if they can't live together in one cage they can live side by side with a divider in place quite happily. As they have had a big bust up it doesn't sound like they will be able to live together again in one cage.
Alternatively have you considered having one or both of the boars neutered so they can have a female companion? That may not be what you want as it would increase your numbers.
I originally adopted two boars when they were around 10 weeks of age, they had aways lived together and had been quite happy. However, about 9 months ago I rescued two more boars, these two boars had also always been housed together and got on well. When I rescued Pesto and Peanut, they were housed seperatly from my original two (Gus and Rufus) but they could still see each other from their hutches. Around two months ago I noticed that Gus and Rufus were starting to show quite dominating behaviour towards each other and so I started doing things such as bathing them together, I gave them two of everything so they had nothing to fight over, I extended their hutch so they had more room, however it got worse and eventually they had to be seperated as they had a nasty fight. Since being seperated Gus is really happy, he loves his new hutch, he is a lot less introverted and is back to his super friendly self, however, Rufus seems very unhappy, he spends a lot of time in his hideys and seems to have got extremely nervous, he isnt as vocal as he used to be and just doesnt seem himself. I attempted to introduce him to my other two boars over a peiod of time but they just fought instantly. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to cheer him up?

Here is a range of options for fallen-out boars. It would be good if you could keep Rufus with constant interaction with next door neighbours, whether that is Gus or your other two boys, so he is not feeling so alone until you can research your personal long term options. Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

We may be able to give you more specific recommendations if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details. We have got members from all over the world with rather varying access to rescues, vets etc. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
Thank you Wiebke for your reply. All of their hutches are located neaxt to each other or opposite each other so they are able to see, smell and interact with each other. I will take a look at the links that you shared and see if there is any advice on there that will help! I have updated my details on my account now so that you can see my location. I am from the UK.
Thank you Wiebke for your reply. All of their hutches are located neaxt to each other or opposite each other so they are able to see, smell and interact with each other. I will take a look at the links that you shared and see if there is any advice on there that will help! I have updated my details on my account now so that you can see my location. I am from the UK.

You can find our rescue locator at the top, but If I am right, the closest decent rescue for you is in Chelmsford to find a new friend for Rufus. it will mean that you come home with a new mate only if they like each other, and you have the rescue to fall back on if there is trouble along the way. It is in any case worth travelling that bit further to avoid ending up with any more boys that don't get on. Do you know whether Rufus was the dominant one or whether that was Gus? ;)
Can Gus and Rufus still see each other? Sometimes even if they can't live together in one cage they can live side by side with a divider in place quite happily. As they have had a big bust up it doesn't sound like they will be able to live together again in one cage.
Alternatively have you considered having one or both of the boars neutered so they can have a female companion? That may not be what you want as it would increase your numbers.

Gus and Rufus can see each other and they can see the other two piggies as well. When one starts to vocialise, all of the others join in too, so they are close enough to communicate. I dont think that I will try to get them bonding again as the last fight was a really big one, and also Gus seems so happy being by himself. Well I was thinking of getting Rufus neutured and maybe pairing him up with a lady friend, although I am worried about it as I know putting guineas under anestetic can be really dangerous, although at the moment that seems like the best plan to keep Rufus happy. Thank you for your advice!
You can find our rescue locator at the top, but If I am right, the closest decent rescue for you is in Chelmsford to find a new friend for Rufus. it will mean that you come home with a new mate only if they like each other, and you have the rescue to fall back on if there is trouble along the way. It is in any case worth travelling that bit further to avoid ending up with any more boys that don't get on. Do you know whether Rufus was the dominant one or whether that was Gus? ;)

Thank you very much I will take a look at the rescue centres and get in touch with them, I think if I could possibly find a boy for Rufus to get on with I would prefer that to geting him neutured and then finding him a girlfriend, as I am worried about the operation. Gus was the dominant one and Rufus was the submissive one. Thank you for your advice and help.
Same thing happened with my two himi's, they were adopted as a supposedly bonded pair (yeah right) they had a big fight and fell out, we split them, got Tyson Kidd aka TK a new friend called Tyrion and Cesaro is solo because I've refused to neuter him and he doesn't like other boars, he's ok, he lives next to a two tiered cage, older boys at the bottom and the girls at the top, he also gets attention. We've got 10 guinea's and really don't want any more lol.
Same thing happened with my two himi's, they were adopted as a supposedly bonded pair (yeah right) they had a big fight and fell out, we split them, got Tyson Kidd aka TK a new friend called Tyrion and Cesaro is solo because I've refused to neuter him and he doesn't like other boars, he's ok, he lives next to a two tiered cage, older boys at the bottom and the girls at the top, he also gets attention. We've got 10 guinea's and really don't want any more lol.
Thank you, it is nice to hear from people who have been in the same situation. Some people have told me I am being cruel to keep Gus alone but he is so happy and he was the one who started the fights so I am happy to keep him by himself, obviously if he seems to show signs of unhappiness at being alone then I will think about what I can do then. I have been looking at local rescue centres to see if I can find a friend for Rufus. I may wait until the weather warms up though so when I introduce them i can do it when they can go out on the grass.
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