Wheek! Wheek!
Junior Guinea Pig
Hi, I bought my boys, Archie and Elmo, 9 months ago. I got them as a pair who were housed together, and when I brought them home they were in the same cage very happily for around 2 months. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, they had a full on fight during daily floor time, and they've never bonded since. I've tried different things over the months - buddy baths, 2 dishes, 2 water bottles etc, putting them in their run with mesh down the middle so they can slowly get comfortable with each other again. I've had to house them in separate cages, although they are right next to each other and they sniff and almost touch noses through the bars. They now have separate cuddles with me and separate floor time, which I feel sad about as I used to love seeing them cuddled up together in the early days. Today, for the first time, I put them together in the run on the grass - each had their own hidey tunnel at opposite ends. Luckily I was prepared with a blanket and my gardening gloves, as despite starting off okay, they ended up locking together in a vicious fight. I separated them - no injuries apart from to me - I got a nasty bite through my gardening gloves which drew blood!
I've read about people who specialise in bonding piggies - is that worth a try? Or do I need to accept that my little guys are better off living separately?
Advice very welcome. Thanks!
I've read about people who specialise in bonding piggies - is that worth a try? Or do I need to accept that my little guys are better off living separately?

Advice very welcome. Thanks!