Fighting And Separating

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Sarah J Bennett

New Born Pup
Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score
Lancaster, Lancashire UK
Hi I have 2 male guinea pigs I'm unsure of age tbh the lady told me they were nearly 3 months but they are adult size. They are fighting and it's getting really bad. I need to put a partition down the's a large cage and I have no room for another one. Problem is I'm struggling to find one online. Can anybody send me a link to a metal partition panel, or advice on how to make one and what material to use? Thank you
Hi, welcome to the Forum, and sorry to hear that your boys are fighting.
Where are you based?
And what cage are your boys currently using?
In an emergency situation where they are really fighting you can make a makeshift partion using anything really - a metal cooling rack attached with cable ties will do.
Hi I have 2 male guinea pigs I'm unsure of age tbh the lady told me they were nearly 3 months but they are adult size. They are fighting and it's getting really bad. I need to put a partition down the's a large cage and I have no room for another one. Problem is I'm struggling to find one online. Can anybody send me a link to a metal partition panel, or advice on how to make one and what material to use? Thank you

Hi and welcome!

You may find this guide here helpful in understanding what is going on: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?

We have got members from all over the world, so you can help us to help you better sourcing grids (or giving you effective advice) if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details. Click on your username at the top, go to erpsonal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!

C&C cage companies are in several countries. They are prepared to help you with a grid divider.
Alternatively, you may be able to source grids like this, which you can cable tie to size, via ebay, amazon or wayfair in a number of countries: Wire Storage Cubes | eBay
Thank you for you're replies. I'm in the UK in Lancashire. It's a 6x2 cage cage and they have plenty of hidies and treats and there's 2 of everything and it's all the same colour. Reggie has been bullying my other guinea pig for some time. Not allowing him any food or drink so ive had to feed him separatelythe vet advised to. It professed to giving him a nibble and chasing him into a hidie and now tonight he's full on attacked him
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