Fight Piggies After A Weekend Away.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
Reaction score
Leeds uk
So I went to a wedding and the weekend and put my two boys in boarding and on Friday evening I got a call saying they where in a fight and Darren had bitten Dylan's nose and then they moved them inside as they where near other guniea pigs around and they may not like it. So I didn't hear anything again so called them on Saturday evening and they said they were fine together. So I took a sigh of relief.

Went to pick them up and they both have scabs on there noses and Darren has a chunk missing from his back. And they are both got bites in there lips.

So when I got home I put them in the run and watch them for a while, while I got there house ready and they started again Darren bit Dylan's ear and made it bleed. I straight away separated them and now live alone.

Would I be able to try and put them back together? I don't what them to kill each other or get lonely. Any advice is welcome?
Sorry to hear they have fallen out - it can happen when they are put into new surroundings and the dominance has to be re-established.

Firstly, please take them both to a vet to get their wounds checked and ensure no infection has set in. Bite wounds on the back can be very deep and an abcess can result so you may be given antibiotics and you may have to keep the wound flushed. They also should have their mouths/teeth checked to make sure there is no damage that could prevent them from eating properly (eg broken incisor or puncture wound to the chin)

From your description, unfortunately it does sound like your boys have fallen out big time. Normally once blood is drawn, it is not recommended to try putting them back together. However, they should be able to live side by side in separate spaces and still see/msell/hear each other so woudn't be lonely.

I am ever so sorry!

New surroundings (even more if sows are nearby) require a renewal of the hierarchy sort-out. Depending on the actual circumstances, this can lead to a fight even between adult boars.

Unfortunately, once piggies have fought that badly with serious bites, they won't go back together again. :(

Please make sure that you disinfect all the wounds and have the boys vet checked re. antibiotics for any deep bites. See a vet promptly if you notice any swelling (abscess) in the coming weeks.

Keep them next to each other for now, but contact either Milhaven rescue in Keighley or BARC rescue in Barnsley when you are ready make to long term plans. Take your time to think things through and don't rush into things. Your boys are currently rather shaken up, too, and will need a bit of time to settle down as well.

I would recommend to look into local pet sitting services that will do guinea pigs to come round to your place if you are away. That is what I now do with mine since both neighbours who used to look after them have moved away and the new ones aren't prepared to do it. This would allow you to leave any boys in their familiar surroundings.
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