One of my fiance's two pigs, named Lilo, is having some extreemly strange bowel problems. Over the course of the last few months we have noticed that she has had some bloody stool now and then. When we asked our family vet about it, we mentioned that we had changed the Lilo diet a bit with the introduction of more timothy hay and a lot less letuce. He mentioned that the alteration in the diet from a food that is a natural laxative to something more substantial could have caused a tear in the rectum.
Twice now she has had an extreemly strange looking discharge with her stool. Once today and once two months ago. It looks almost fatty in nature, and today she passed 3 of them. They are about an inch to and inch and a half long, and half in inch wide and tall. I provided a picture to give a little visual on what is going on.
Any advice or help would be appreciated.
Twice now she has had an extreemly strange looking discharge with her stool. Once today and once two months ago. It looks almost fatty in nature, and today she passed 3 of them. They are about an inch to and inch and a half long, and half in inch wide and tall. I provided a picture to give a little visual on what is going on.

Any advice or help would be appreciated.