Few Worries (probably Nothing)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2014
Reaction score
livingston, Scotland
I have had my guineas for just over a month now. And although they have came out their shell a lot.
They still run away when I move around. Occasionally if I speak to them as I move they don't run. Is there anything I can do to help this? Or is it ok behaviour? I think they are pretty shy.
Also they aren't very vocal
Bradley (the ginger one) will squeak if your holding him and occasionally when he's excited in his cage. But Olly (black and white), very rarely squeaks. Is it possible that they are just shy/quiet guineas?
Sounds normal to me, piggies take a long time to settle as they are prey animals so sudden movements can send them into wild mode. Its only been a month so early days yet and they will get better. Every piggy is different some settle quicker then others. A good idea is to create a positive mental response with them. I use tasty treats to do this, like parsley or a sprig of coriander. I sit quietly near the cage and talk to them softly, I offer the herb and praise them when they take it. They soon learn you won't harm them and bond with you :)
@degu_rock has put it very well. I've kept piggies for nearly 17 years. Their personalities have differed tremendously. Some have been very vocal. Some have been very quiet. Some outgoing, some fearful and timid. My current pair are very different. One comes out on hearing my voice to be petted, the other still runs shrieking blue murder when I try to pick her up and I've had her 3 years! She is fine once in my arms, and loves cuddles once on my lap but still legs it when she thinks she may be picked up! Patience, kindness, calmness and bribery with veg or herbs will usually win them over in the end. Just keep doing what you're doing as it sounds like it is going fine to me.
Mine are scared whenever I get up to go to another room or if I open a can of coke or something but they soon get very brave when they think the fridge door opens. I think they will always be frightened to a certain extent as it's in their nature.
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