Females Mounting Each Other?


Forum Donator 2022/23
Jul 4, 2022
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El has today been trying to mount Leia. It has cause Leia to become distressed so we have put them in separate cages right next to each other for an hour or so.
El has today been trying to mount Leia. It has cause Leia to become distressed so we have put them in separate cages right next to each other for an hour or so.
Be aware that separating them will potentially cause an increase in dominance when you reunite them. If one is in season then seeing an increase in mounting is very normal but alone not a reason to separate.
How was Leia behaving when you say she was distressed?
It can be so hard to watch/ listen to piggies especially if they are having a particularly strong season. I would recommend not separating unless absolutely necessary as it can exacerbate things when you want to reintroduce. The good news is that with seasons you are looking at just a day or two of the strongest behaviour then it should die down again very quickly.

I still remember to this day two of my late piggies squealing away while the demure underpiggy ran rampage after one of the other females. Such a blinking racket for a few hours one night and then the next day she was straight back in her usual place at bottom of the herd
I think my wording here is misleading so I apologise for that. When I say separate that isn't what I think I should have defined it as. We basically used the time to groom and give them lap time as we do every day before they move into their outside home. It seemed to work as Leia was a lot calmer and although El continued to mount her it was a lot less aggressive. It was very unusual to see as El is usually a lot more shy and usually Leia is very excitable with El trying to escape Leia's popcorning ontop of her.
a strong season can turn the most calm piggy into a hairy hormone surge on little legs. My calm, quiet girl used to mount her friend when she was in season. It’s all part and parcel of their hierarchy and behaviour. It does calm down but you should also be aware that ‘separating’ them as you did won’t stop it when you put them back Tiere. Hormones are hormones 😳 So next time I would just leave them to it.