Females Fight Is There Any Hope

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 7, 2015
Reaction score
cumbria uk
I have three females , two live okay together , one is separated ,but is next to the other two for company.
I have tried two times to put them together on neutral ground ,but two of them fight , I would love for them to be together, the sows that fight lie next to each other separated by bars quite happily ,but they get together and the antics start.
Would a male among the group change the dynamic at all ,Rufus is going for neutering I know he can't join them for a while but would it be worth another try?
If not then I can put Rufus with the lone sow ,I just feel sorry for her on her own.
I have three females , two live okay together , one is separated ,but is next to the other two for company.
I have tried two times to put them together on neutral ground ,but two of them fight , I would love for them to be together, the sows that fight lie next to each other separated by bars quite happily ,but they get together and the antics start.
Would a male among the group change the dynamic at all ,Rufus is going for neutering I know he can't join them for a while but would it be worth another try?
If not then I can put Rufus with the lone sow ,I just feel sorry for her on her own.

As your two girls have not been able to resolve their differences re. who is going to lead the group on two occasions, I would try to pair Rufus with your problem girl and hope that she is going to accept him. Once sows have decided that they don't like somepig, you've generally had it. Some dominant or fear-aggressive sows can be very bit as difficult to pair up as some boars. At least you have got a fall-back option with Rufus in case bonding with your single sow is not working out.

Lying accross the bars can also signify territorial dominance, a kind of "this is my patch" gesture. I see it more often from my "husboars", who do it with each other, but my more dominant sows also do it.

All the best for Rufus's operation. Please wait a full 6 weeks afterwards with any intros, as accidents can and have happened as late as over 5 weeks post op. One of them is living with the Tribe (not from one of my boars).
ive a sow who is very dominant,i have 13 cavies,i have tried to bond her with all four groups of husboars and wives,but she either outright fought with them,ball of guinea pigs locked together going round and round,drawn blood,or bullying subserviant ones,she did settle with my boar jerry whom is bigger than her,but everynow and again she tries to dominate him,teethclacking and pushing him out of his hidey,Jerry does not tolerate it and tells her,he is the sweetest most laidback guinea pig i have.so females can fight as well.good luck with Rufus bonding nad your lone sow,when it works it is a lovely pairing.all my males are neutered,it greatly reduces the risks when you have an experienced cavy savvy vet.:hug:.
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