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Female guinea pig secreting white sticky fluid from her anus

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there.

She's around 6 months old I think. We put her in a new area today and for some reason she keeps depositing 5p-coin-sized lumps of sticky white goo from her anus. I've been searching the net to find information about it but have come up blank. I've never seen her do it before and she seems in good spirits but I'm getting a little worried. Does anyone know what it is?

Thanks :)
Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm really sorry but i havent got a clue what that could be :-\ hopefully someone will be along soon who can advise, hope she's ok x
It COULD be that she is in season, my two girls secrete a sticky white goo when they are in season.
I dont know what else it could be.
xx Steph xx
StephieAck said:
It COULD be that she is in season, my two girls secrete a sticky white goo when they are in season.
I dont know what else it could be.
xx Steph xx
That could maybe explain it, considering she's been trying to mount her female pen-mate for a week. :)

I'll keep looking for other causes (as I don't want to risk missing anything) but assuming I don't come up with anything else, I'll just keep them on dry food and timothy hay for a few days to be on the safe side.

Fingers crossed!
Sounds like that's what it is then, i'd just keep an eye on her, if it lasts more than a few days i'd take her the vets just to be on the safe side O0 hope it clears up soon x
jnenbnb said:
Sounds like that's what it is then, i'd just keep an eye on her, if it lasts more than a few days i'd take her the vets just to be on the safe side O0 hope it clears up soon x
Yeah, if it continues or if she starts being lethargic or goes off her food I'll take her along.
I did have this with a pig who was also in season. I would keep an eye on it and if it hasn't cleared up within a week consider a vet trip :)
hi i rescues a girl that had enlarged ovaries and she did this! she also humped alot and was a little aggressive
I must admit that I haven't a clue but as long as she seems happy, active and is eating well, then just keep an eye on her.
I would, however, check her over thoroughly for any lumps, hair loss, sores etc and have a gentle feel of her tummy.
Make a note of the day you noticed it and if it happens again, look at the time in between as it could be she is in season. I believe it happens every 14 to 16 days for a piggie.
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