female guinea chirping

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Jan 13, 2012
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Thursday night I was sat watching tv. It was about 11.30pm when one of my dogs starting acting strange, like she does when someone is outside. I paused the tv to hear what I thought was a bird singing. It seriously sounded just like a blackbird singing away. I rushed to the hall and realised it was coming from the guineas room. I opened the door and there was stiggy (one of my girlies) where her head thrown up in the air singing. I sort of just stood staring at her. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.
I googled it and found some info saying it wasnt very common to hear ? Afterwards she let me stroke her all over for ages which she doesn't usually like me to do.
Has anyone else seen this much ?
It is not very common, but I've been fortunate enough to hear chirping a few times, all from female piggies. All the times I heard the chirping was in the middle of the night and it woke me up! I was not appreciative of it, at all those times! :))
I heard it once from one of my old piggies Thunderbolt (RIP) it was in the middle of the night when I lived with my parents still and I had the piggies in my room. It freaked me out quite a bit :{ not heard it since
Wow that is so rare. Nobody can really be sure of the meaning. It is a shame you could not film it. :)
It is rare :)

My Willow is a singer too. She doesn't just stick to the middle of the night though - she's been known to sing mid-afternoon or early morning too! She's almost three now and we've heard her over a dozen times

I just wish I knew what she was trying to tell me!
I have a 6 month old boar who sings! I call him the 'special' pig because of it rolleyes

Sadly, he has only done it twice - and very soon after one of my piggies passed away. He did it again 3 weeks later and it happened again! :(

It could be completely un related - but it did make me wonder as there is hardly any info on it at all. I am really interested to hear people's opinions on it!

I did and still do have a video of him tweeting away like a canary! It lasted ages, and he sort of did a little wiggle while he was tweeting. Very odd.
Charlie i can relate one night well my pig Bette was spasming for a better word i was watching her in distress the pig next door began chirping. She was very ill didn't die but after a few weeks i had to help her to the bridge despite me and the vet's best efforts we couldn't save her.
I really hope he continues to tweet, but next time with no bad outcome! I want him to sing all the time as it is pretty hypnotising to hear.
It is rare and seems to be related to piggy emotions. I say that because our red girl Annie sings on occasion, most recently when our boss pig, Latte, had been out of the pen all day because she had surgery. The other 3 in the group clearly missed her and on her return to the pen later that day, they greeted her with warmth. Annie was asleep and didn't see her return but woke up suddenly and stood singing until she saw Latte and ran to greet her and spent a good 5 mins washing her face. It was heart warming to see.
I wish I'd paid more attention at the time, but about 3 weeks ago I heard a 'chirrupping' noise coming from the pigs' cage in the kitchen. It sounded just like a bird singing!
I was helping my daughter with something at the time and by the time I'd finished, so had the chirrupping! Gutted. We've only had the girls 6 weeks now and at the time (3 weeks then) I just thought it was another unusual sound! It was lovely though x
I read on guinealynx that it is supposedly a startled piggy but one of my girls does it and can assure you, she is not in any state of distress at the time. She just sits and does it for a minute or so then goes about her piggy business as normal.
It is beautiful to hear though :laluot_29:

One of mine was chirping just now. We heard the noise, muted the tv and yep one of them was chirping away lol I have heard the noise quite a few times during the years I have owned piggies, it is quite unusual. The first time I thought some animal that I didn't know about had gotten into the house.
We had one piggy (out of 7 over the years) do this. We suddenly heard what we thought was a bird chirping one evening, thought one had got into the house but the piggy was just stood still singing!

It was very unnerving, the other one just watched her, & there was no "threat" to them or anything different so we don't think she was distressed at all. :)

I have had two do it out of 10 piggies over the years. One (little Molly who is sadly no longer with us and beautiful Bonnie who died 3 years ago), Molly used to do it regularly if she was distressed about something, usually a noise which she did'nt like. Bonnie just did it seemingly for no reason, usually if she was in the run in the summar. What got me was this trancelike state that they go into, they would almost pant for a few seconds and then suddenly break into this chirping which as the others say, could last a good few minutes. Molly was'nt interested in grass or anything while she was in this state (which is something of a miracle as grass was her greatest love!).

Both piggies who did it were what i would call 'more emotional' than the others, both had big characters and both were very observant and Molly hated unusual noises.

I have heard someone describe it as them trying to communicate with the 'mother ship' which I think is hilarious but you can see why!

very interesting.

Nigel just half tweeted again! It wasn't full blown tweet tweet but it sounded like he was making the start of the noise and no more - it lasted about 1 minute and then he stopped!

I wonder if he will fully tweet for me later!?xx>>>
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